With his permission, I am forwarding this from Dave Schauer of the TwinPortsRail Yahoo group. Gordon We are lucky in Duluth to actually still have examples of end-cab BNSF switchers in service (ex-Frisco MP15s 3701 and 3702). They like to couple them nose-to-nose so it is a catch to find one operating sans its sister and in a position to shoot its long hood. Lately 3701 has been the switcher that seems to disappear from the set, probably for some continuing maintenance issue. That has left 3702 by itself for brief periods and this weekend I noticed it was teamed up with a pair of geeps. Yesterday it was trailing upon departure from Rice Point but today it was leading. What I liked is they had the radiator covered with a canvas tarp due to the cold weather, just like the old days! http://www.railpictures.net/viewphoto.php?id=423623 Dave Schauer Duluth, MN
After having been separated for a few months, the "Frisco Sisters" as they are known in Duluth are again back together as seen in this photo taken yesterday by Dave Schauer. How many ex-Frisco units remain on the BNSF roster? Gordon
Good find, Gordon. Duluth, GA I presume? I would have to guess that any ex-Frisco units still around these days are few and far between. 3702 looks pretty crisp and good to go for a few more years. 3701 looks pretty weary, what a good paint job will do for an old locomotive. Best Regards,
That is kinda of a good question for the group. I do not know of any new switchers, they just keep rebuilding them. Lots of places where the big road dogs cannot go, so I would think, they will just fix them up. Does anyone know, when the last time they built a switcher? I know I do not.
Chris, Based on the piled snow and the Coast Guard WLB-214 USCG Hollyhock Seagoing Buoy Tender currently assigned to Great Lakes duty out of Port Huron, Michigan, I would say Duluth, Minnesnowta.
Almost two years later not only are 3701 and 3702 (SLSF 362-363) still in Duluth (Minnesota), but now they have been joined by SW1500 3411 (SLSF 326) as you will see if you go to the link below. http://www.railpictures.net/viewphoto.php?id=510954 Gordon
Cool! Almost looks like a model railroad photo. I wish the BNSF would do a Frisco heritage paint job on some locos. Thanks for posting the photo.
Good catch, Roger! I did not even think to look at the GP38-2. The two MP15DCs have been in Duluth for several years, usually working together, and are referred to by fans up there as the "Frisco Sisters". Gordon
I enjoyed the jobs that used the MP15DCs because they rode very smoothly due to the road trucks under them, rather than the regular SW1500 trucks which were rough riding. We also had no problems with flat spots on them because of the same reason. SW1500s had flat spots almost from the beginning. I am glad that they are recognized as being Frisco originals, although it would have been nice to see them in Frisco colors. Terry