DOug, I briefly scanned over NL # 28- not much time to read it now, but I've downloaded it to my laptop for future reading. Thanks much for making these available to us- your efforts are most appreciated!
FMIG Newsletter 28 p.s. It also has my article on era choice based on your favorite locomotives. The same basic article was later run in the NMRA MCoR's Caboose Kibitizer along with several other articles to aid Frisco prototype modelers. I'll try to get permission to scan and post them too. Doug
Seeing FMIG NL 28 again reminded me of something ..... does any one have a copy of the neat presentation Tim Kubat did - I believe at one of the early Springfield, MO meets, regarding the mining and logging railroads of the Ozarks? Ken ps - Many have already commented that during the years when these FMIG Newsletters were being issued, VERY little coverage of our Frisco was published in the modeling railroad and railfan press. We have it much better today. When each of these FMIG NL's was received - for me at least, it was a wonderful information overload. I reread them over and over. Much credit to Doug and the contributors for these NL's. Reading them again brings back great memories!
FMIG Newsletter 29 - March 1981 This one was in yet another format 7x8-1/2, as was number 30, my last before turning the reins over to Charlie Dischinger. This one featured 2-8-2 Mikados, a neat photo of 2-10-2 "Big Mike" number 3, rebuilt box cars, two trackplans for small switching layouts, post-merger renumberings from SL-SF to BN, pocket diagrams for the last diesel locomotives (10, 296-299, 750-774, & 950-957), profile of Ken Wulfert prior to his hosting the 1981 St. Louis convention, drawings of two additional classes of 2-8-0's (1st 1251-1295 and 2728), Jan Jester poem and artwork, photo of RS-2 550 prior to EMD repowering, Don Wirth dimensional drawing of tender dog house (which I've used to scratch build three in styrene). I've scanned it in two sections for your downloading ease. Doug
FMIG Newsletter 30 June 1981 Whew! Here is the last one I produced prior to Charlie Dischinger taking over for the excellent (Charlie's degree is in commercial art) newsletters 31-45. Mike has already scanned 45. We'll decide who will scan and post 31-44. I only have copies. I'm tired and am going to Lake Tahoe for a week. We'll have the pc with us. Here's an assignment for the first of you who reads this entire issue - make up a table of contents for us and post it here. There's a lot in this issue. One biggie, worth it's weight in gold, is the Art Johnson 1956 passenger car list. It's a must for each of you interested in the first-generation diesel era. It even gives train assignments for each car. A lot were listed as "stored, available for extra." This list is in the second (B) half. TTFN, Doug
Doug--Certainly deserves our thanks (then and now) for the FMIG newsletter and the whole original idea, which has basically evolved into this chat board! Tom
Thank you so much for posting the FMIG newsletters. There is so much great information in each issue. I really enjoyed Charlie's recollection of switching in Bolivar, MO. I was too young back when the Frisco was around and when the FMIG got started to even know I liked trains. I was more into sports, girls and cars back in the 70's. You all put a lot of hard work into the newsletters and I am so grateful that this much history of the Frisco survives and is available to the public. I am modeling the High Line in N scale and there has been so much information posted and published lately that I have made major revisions in my track plans. I hope to begin construction very soon. Once again I thank you for all the newsletters and information. Dale Rush Blair Line Carthage, MO
FMIG Newsletter 31 New Editor Charlie Dischinger started strong with this issue of September 1981 and got stronger. This issue has standard station/depot floor plans, member letters, reports from the St. Louis FMIG convention, and updates from several participants (soon to be subscribers). FYE, Doug
FMIG Newsletter 32 This issue, dated January 1982, had a detailed description of Ken & Marsha McElreath's layout. They've since built one or two more. Don Wirth reported on progress on his 1350-series 2-8-2 brass bash, as Alan Gagnon had reported on his in an earlier issue. Part 2 of the Standard Depot series filled most of this issue featuring stations of the Southern Division. Charlie also sadly reported the 1/4/82 passing of employee/photographer/passenger car guru Arthur Johnson following heart surgery.
FMIG Newsletter 33 Large newsletter dated April 1982 with detailed depot drawings and much more - first in the Consolidated Car Shops series Charlie and others did for modeling freight cars. FYE, Doug
FMIG Newsletter 34 Shorter one dated August 1982. The Don Wirth drawing of the 1015-1039 class Pacific on the back page is worth the download. It was used by Sunset for the HO model. FYE, Doug
Howdy, Number 34 reminds me of how much and long I have been lusting for a streamlined version of the pacific. I picked up the non-streamlined version and hesitated on the streamlined version when I was at Bobby Halls and it was on the shelf. Bummer! Now, I am modeling the trains to Texas and all the way back to Saint Louis. The branch line decapods and consolidations weren't as common on the mainlines. Lesson to all: if something comes out that you like, go ahead and get it. It took me 20 years to find a 1500 class mountain I could afford and I can't find a streamlined pacific anywhere. I'll persist, though. Best Regards, mike
FMIG Newsletter 35 This December 1982 issue has always been one of my (many) personal favorites. Cover - Charlie Dischinger photo of Train 33 climbing through the S curve on lower Dixon Hill in the summer of 1977 - piggyback train. * Favorite prototype engine desired for future model - poll results - the Hudsons won * Ray Bullock summary of the summer 1982 FMIG Tulsa Convention * Lee Buffington's long letter with summaries of steam locomotive assignments 1929-through the depression - starts on page 5 * Ken McElreath update on passenger car HO modeling * U-25B prototype and model feature by Charlie Dischinger - long scratch/bash HO article - this predated the Stewart models * Standard for five-bent wood trestles - drawings * CMS feature on the 100-ton coal hoppers * First of Ken Wulfert's Power Profiles articles - this one featured the E-unit diesel locomotives * Many interesting letters (there was a lot of modeling going on back then)
FMIG Newsletter 36 Another favorite. This March 1983 issue featured caboose modeling. * Photos of cabooses (cabeese?): 1248, NEO 55, NEO 56, 1111, 162 (also ex-NEO later r/n 1162), 241, 1233, 200, 1210, 1237, 1250, 1276, 154, 952, 120, 379, 156, 108, 157, 1300, 1147, 1124, 1337, 155, 67, 1107, 642,343, 27, & 28 * Recently-published books of interest - RAILS, RIVALRY AND ROMANCE and FRISCO SOUTHWEST * Photos of two old coal towers/chutes * Kitbash model of caboose 1111 by me * Kitbash models of the 1200-series wide vision cabooses (prior to Atlas, which had incorrect cupola window spacings anyway) by our web master Mike Corley - he even cast accurate truck side frames * Power Profiles - the NW-2 diesel switchers + E-unit dispositions by Ken Wulfert
FMIG Newsletter 37 This one was dated June 1983. * Cover photo of a street crossing wig-wag signal * Announcement of the summer 83 convention in Aurora, IL * Many letters * Many neat photos, even of stock cars and a reefer * My announcement of a series of FMIG LINES newsletters to feature layouts * CMS feature on auto box cars, reefer cars, and Frisco Transportation Company trucks and trailers * Drawings of various Highway and Roadway Signs * Fayetteville, AR Yard Office Building
FMIG Newsletter 39 Dated February 1984. * Cover photo (my copy is very dark) of the Southeastern Limited somewhere in Alabama from after the turn of the 20th century using "Pullman Palace" passenger cars * QA&P article, used by permission, from the September 1, 1952 issue of RAILWAY AGE * List of commercially available HO Frisco freight car models * Many member letters * Photos from the last runs on the High Line south end * Another passenger car article from Ken McElreath "Observations" * CMS features on troop-sleeper baggage cars 450-564 (464?), 161500-162499 single-sheathed ARA box cars, rebuilt 85,000-85999 gondolas, and 70-ton covered hoppers * Reports and photos from the Aurora, IL FMIG Convention * Standard drawings for stock pens
FMIG Newsletter 38 Dated August 1983 * Cover photo - very dark shot of B/Y GP-7 538 leading a local - taken from an overhead bridge * Reports from the Aurora, IL convention * Excitement for Joe Collias' FRISCO POWER book * Excellent drawing of the Monett, MO yard track plan from Charles Shreve * Photo of ex sleeper 1456 Eugene Field taken at Lebanon, NJ * Photo of a trailer with the unique "Pigs Are Beautiful" logo * FA FB kitbash in HO by Richard Napper including prototype photos of 5230, 5218, 5211, & 5210 * Photo and drawing of H/W coach 1062 & 1064 * Ken Wulfert's Power Profiles gave a complete list of SL-SF diesel locomotives: 167 switch engines in 19 models, 23 passenger engines in 2 models, and 653 freight engines in 23 models (counting one GP-50 BN 3100 but painted for Frisco) * CMS HO Airslide Covered Hopper article in the 81,900-series using the Roller Bearing Models kit by me, Doug Hughes * Many interesting letters This issue did not print well - scans were made of the best-available copy.