I have written and had published two dozen or so railroad books I can state unequivocally that slides and negatives can and do sometimes show up with caption notes on the slide mount/negative sleeve indicating "Train XYZ at Anytown, USA". It turns out to be completely wrong. However, 99% of the time, of course, the information is correct. Other times, I cannot be sure, or there is no way to check, and unless the image shows a train in the middle of a blizzard and the caption says, "Miami, Florida, July 1957". I just have to take the word of the individual who took the photograph. Other times, there is a picture of a train in the middle of the desert with no caption information at all, and no recognizable landmarks and the photographer is dead. So, are we in Arizona or New Mexico or California? In the end you do the best you can, realizing that errors sometimes get by multiple edit checks. And in the end, does it really make the photograph any less enjoyable to look at? Or would you rather not see it at all? GS
Lucius Beebe's books were loaded with errors. I bought scans of his/Clegg's Frisco negatives from the California State Railroad Museum a couple of years ago. He had nothing marked for identification. Also the negatives were in horrible condition, scratched, watermarks from developing, crappy exposure, etc.. I had always thought he took good care of his negatives. Clegg's were in better condition. There are a number of Beebe's shots in the book. Some shots had appeared in print elsewhere, but warranted another publication. Most photographs in the book are first time out.
That is a little harsh, do not you think? I am willing to accept the judgment, but I wanted to be sure that everyone was actually talking about the same thing. This photograph has been a thorn in my side for 35 years, and I simply pointed out that we have one of two choices, and I wanted clarity. The implied question was neither criticism nor sour grapes.
I am suggesting that sometimes perfect is the enemy of good. Or as I think George Patton was quoted as saying, "A good plan violently executed today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow". I thought it was a great photograph. GS
Meteor910 wrote: "I still have that paper in my copy of the book on page 157. No problem, Joe - you fixed it". and that tempts me to suggest a copy be posted here. However, in a thread where ownership is a contentious concern, it is best you do not. The mere telling of the story is enough.
Joe was a treasured friend. We had a good time with the Cuba 1501 slip in the original book. I keep it in the book as a prized memory of Joe, who was very kind to me. I remember the last time I met with Joe, I think, was at Big Bend and Geyer, on a Saturday morning when 4-8-2 SLSF 1522 was going to make its last run. Son Kurt and girlfriend were with me. Joe showed up also, and spent a lot of his time while we waited for SLSF 1522, describing how great the 1500s were and what a successful career they had, and where others were still on display. Kurt loved it when SLSF 1522 came through putting on a great show. Joe was a great asset to the memory of the Frisco. K