Here are some photos I thought you might like to see. The first is a shot of the Red Caboose built-up car that was released in the last few years. Pretty accurate from what I can tell. The second shot is an ACF company photo of the diesel fuel cars with the yellow dome. The third is the black dome cars. These cars have heater pipes installed so I wonder if these cars carried something a little thicker like lube oil. Any info on these interesting cars would be appreciated. Ship IT on the Frisco! Rick
Rick - Somewhere unknown here in my files, I have a Frisco color code for the domes of their company service tank cars. I recall seeing it about six months ago, so it is somewhere close. When I find it I'll post it for the group. Ken
Rick: If you have any of the RC SlSF tank cars left I would like one also. PM or email me instructions. Thanks. Bob
Nice pic! Looks like shelf couplers, too. I hadn't thought about using them on the SLSF diesel fuel tank cars. Got to look into that. I'm also wondering about the other small lettering on the dome. There's always a mystery! Ken
The Frisco diesel fuel cars were built ca. 1949. Before those cars were built, did the Frisco have any special cars to haul (oil burning) steam locomotive fuel? Tom
FYI - I just ran through my pics of the Frisco's SLSF 191xxx diesel fuel tank cars. I only found three or four equipped with shelf couplers. Must have been photos of the cars in fairly recent (last 10 years or so) service. Kadee makes a good model of the shelf coupler in HO. Ken
I'll modify my statement above - to last 20-years or so. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I recall seeing an article about the Frisco diesel fuel tank cars that remained in service on the BN, pre BNSF. Does anybody remember where that was published? It could have been in the BN Historical Society quarterly publication. Unfortunately, I sold them all. I was a member for a few years. Ken
Somewhere here in my "stacks", I have a copy of the Frisco's color code for company service tank cars. Problem is ..... I can't find it. I've been looking for it for six months! They had six or seven different colors. The most common color, of course, was yellow - for diesel fuel. The other one I recall was black - for waste oil (mainly old crankcase oil, etc). Ken
At Altus they unloaded solid silver 10,000 gallon DODX tanks just like the yellow domers and they hauled jet fuel. Not Frisco but Department of Defense. Steve. BNSF Railway. |-|
Before the yellow domers the Frisco did operate high walkway 10k tankers built by ACF. W & R brass imported a single dome version of the car about 10 years ago, I've worked up a couple, they make for a pretty neat car. Brad
Were there ever any Frisco "company" tank cars specifically designated to carry fuel for the oil burning steam engines? As there were for diesel fuel. Thanks, Tom
Tom - Dunno. I have a few pics of pre-SLSF 190xxx company service tank cars that look pretty old and look to be in water service. One has a yellow dome, SLSF 190383, but when I zoom in on it, a 1948 repaint date is noted and the side of the car says Diesel Fuel. Ken