Layout Goals - 2016

Discussion in 'General' started by yardmaster, Jan 7, 2016.

  1. yardmaster

    yardmaster Administrator Staff Member Administrator Supporter

    John, I vote for pressing forward. I would even consider publicly chanting a "Rock, Chalk...." if that would be a motivator. :)

    I like the operating potential that you've listed. I'll look forward to the pics of the street tracking north of the freight depot.

    Best Regards,
  2. I notice a lot of Frisco modelers over in the KC area. I plan on moving there someday. Have family all over the KC MO area.
  3. klrwhizkid

    klrwhizkid Administrator Staff Member Administrator Supporter

    Todd, you will certainly be welcomed by all of us Frisco folks in the KC area, and if you are a model railroader we have places for you to operate. Add to that the Springfield group with the Frisco three RWs; Ron Williams, Ron White and Ray Wells and now Bill Jackson, and we have the west half of Missouri covered.
  4. frisco1522

    frisco1522 Staff Member Staff Member

    I would love to have a burst of enthusiasm and get my passing tracks and a couple of towns with industries laid. Then I could work on some scenery. I stay busy building engines and can only be in one place at a time.
    W. Pacific Shops is getting ready to discharge another one out the door.
  5. Ozarktraveler

    Ozarktraveler Member

    Plan was made to resume Kadee conversions and assemble at least one kit this year. Just making the plan was inspiring enough to kick off and assemble two kits (Cotton Belt 50' DD boxcar and a Katy 50' box car), installed Kadee couplers and adjusted their heights and trip pins for 25 pieces of rolling stock over the last week. The cold and snow helped curtail desires for outdoor distractions. Woot!
  6. Still working on the modeling part! But we are getting there !
    gjslsffan and Ozarktraveler like this.
  7. yardmaster

    yardmaster Administrator Staff Member Administrator Supporter

    Many of us will be eagerly awaiting its roll-out, Don. Frankly, the locomotives are scenery enough.

    Best Regards,
    Ozarktraveler likes this.
  8. bob_wintle

    bob_wintle Member Supporter

    Continue to make improvements and add industries. I plan to operate as much as possible and switch up what I am doing to avoid boredom. I believe the more one operates their layout the more they will see things that will need added or improved upon. Enjoy our Hobby everyone.
    Ozarktraveler and gjslsffan like this.
  9. gjslsffan

    gjslsffan Staff Member Staff Member

    Those are fine looking models Craig!! Looks like you been busy.
    Ozarktraveler likes this.
  10. Ozarktraveler

    Ozarktraveler Member

    Finished adjusting 15 more for a final total for the weekend of 40 cars adjusted, I lost count but I think I assembled 2 kits and partially assembled 2 cabooses. I have to paint the ladders and grab rails to finish them, and I'm considering some of the shapeways modifications mentioned on another thread.

    The remaining rolling stock (25+ more units) will be a little tougher, more complex assemblies, some are missing parts that need to be scrounged up, decals found/made, etc...

    Gotta have a few foreigners for bridge traffic on the home rails. :)
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2016
  11. Ozarktraveler

    Ozarktraveler Member

    FB_IMG_1459344701950.jpg 20160408_203952.jpg

    With the arrival of spring and it's associated activities and travels, shop work has slowed, but not stopped. Also completed some Overland Dispatch fantasy cars. No pics.
  12. yardmaster

    yardmaster Administrator Staff Member Administrator Supporter

    In an effort to hold myself more accountable for goals, here's my belated end of quarter update. Goals not mentioned mean they're not really started:

    • Run a formal Operating Session in "Olathe" by end of the first quarter, with 3 total sessions by end of year.
    Not on Goal: Just not enough time, but hoping to do something by either June or July.
    • Finish two outstanding rolling stock projects.
    Not started. Nothing like trying to start a rolling stock project and realizing that you need to replenish your #79 bit stock!
    • Complete basic ground cover scenery - have completed approximately 75% thus far.
    Some progress. Probably more in the neighborhood of 80%
    • Finish adding telegraph line poles to SL-SF Northern Division.
    Some progress. Have added a couple more poles before Spring sprung, pushing me outside more.
    • Begin construction on Wallingford Grain Co and Champlin Oil Depot in Olathe.
    Not started. I did get some heavy duty cardstock that should make for good mock-ups.
    • Fix the "dead spot" that keeps reoccurring at the crossover just "north" of MP 21.
    DONE! Turns out that there just needed to be a little more elbow grease in the track cleaning at this location.
    Other Updates: I did use some of the Frisco B&B plans that Karl Brand has posted to make a rail rack for my track gang. They're painted and I used some discarded guitar string wire to mount them temporarily north of the motor car house at Olathe. While I've never seen evidence of one, I might add a section gang house in this vicinity to mask where the Olathe "vignette" makes the transition to the area around the Fairgrounds Branch junction.

    Best Regards,
    Joe Lovett and Ozarktraveler like this.
  13. Ozarktraveler

    Ozarktraveler Member

    With only a couple of months left of 2016, we'll have to rename the thread or start a new one before long. Lol. Meanwhile, Carla and I have finally purchased a home in St Louis (Hazelwood). One of the criterion was a basement with space for a layout. :) Also purchased several of Ken Wulfert's fine models for the layout.

    20161029_125049.jpg 20161029_125023.jpg
  14. kenmc

    kenmc KenMc Supporter

    The single most important element that I have found to instill and maintain interest and progress in building a layout is to have a faithful model railroader friend who will work with me regularly to keep the project alive. I have been blessed with such a friend in Dick Schultz. He comes twice a month for two hours, every month for the past 25 years. He has built some structures and painted backdrops, but his most important help has been for ideas and making things happen when I would reach an impasse. Most of the time the progress we make in a work session is minimal, but it is sufficient to measure and to motivate me to work on my own as well. Plans are just plans without a way to get moving and keep moving.

    That's my two cents' worth to this discussion.

    Ozarktraveler likes this.
  15. U-3-b

    U-3-b Member Supporter

    Instead of working on something of my own, I found a local group that is building a layout. It is more of a showcase layout just to run lots of trains in lots of scales (Z, N, HO, S, O and G), but at least I am doing something and not sitting on keister.
    Joe Lovett and Ozarktraveler like this.
  16. Still planning, but I get the youngest daughters room when she goes to college!! Bigger space to play with. So it will be a start and then who knows in a year or so we might have a larger spot in the KC area!

    Going to start off with the Pokey. I want to someday have Thayer to an end point ( haven't decided yet) so I can run stuff past while running the local up the branch.
    Ozarktraveler likes this.
  17. yardmaster

    yardmaster Administrator Staff Member Administrator Supporter

    Nice layout space, Craig - thanks for sharing and keep us up-to-date. Any general ideas on what era and locale? Plenty of good, prototype Frisco locations that deserve to be recreated in HO-Scale.

    Ken McElreath's advice is spot-on. Find someone local and have them serve as an accountability partner for the layout's construction.

    Best Regards,
  18. Ozarktraveler

    Ozarktraveler Member

    Thanks. This layout is for the "fun" fulfilment of a childhood dream to selectively model my hometown of Seligman MO. The "era" will be "loose", Frisco GP7s will roam along with at least one Frisco decapod and GE 70 tonners of the A&O in a selectively compressed world. Appearances by Frisco E8s and who knows what else may be made.

    The idea is to have the railyard and junction of the two railroads as the main focus along with a run thru/around loop as well, built in sections as opposed to modules.

    Basement needs electrical upgrades for outlets, lighting, and replacing the Federal Pacific breakers [gasp] in the fuse box.

    Rule #1 will certainly apply, but I want it to be unmistakably Frisco.

    The little "office" in the corner will be retained and used as a music studio. My other hobby is music.
    WindsorSpring likes this.
  19. Jim James

    Jim James Staff Member Staff Member

    I did not meet any of my goals this year. Time flies by at an ever increasing rate. :(. I have managed to build a lot of vehicles for the layout.
  20. klrwhizkid

    klrwhizkid Administrator Staff Member Administrator Supporter

    While the year is not over yet, I can most assuredly say that my Goal #1 (Walls, Ceiling, Lighting done) was completed, and Goal #2 (Build most of benchwork on north end) has not yet been completed, with only a small start to show.

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