While in Missouri during the Thanksgiving Holiday, I looked through some of my father's photos and I found this photo, which was taken by a Frisco photographer. It looks like it might be the Texas Special as it passed through the far-western, St Louis "suburbs". Anybody have any thoughts to location? That monitor-roofed, heavy weight chair car is certainly an anachronism. Might it be a MKT Chair car?
Karl I think you're right about the train being the Texas Special. The RPO has small ownership road name boards at each end of letter board. Also agree on Katy heavyweight chair car. I also believe the fourth car with the turtle back roof is the Frisco heavyweight coach-buffet-lounge SLSF 1603, "Glendale". VERY cool photo! Don't know about location though. Tom PS: Is that picture dated?
Neat picture! Very hard to spot the location with any certainty. Assume it is westbound in the summer months given the daylight and that it is indeed the Texas Special. Given the dual main tracks and fairly open terrain, assume it is between Kirkwood (MP 12.7) and Valley Park (MP17.5). Given the curve to the left, assume it is around either MP 13.5, MP 15, or MP 16.5. Using my best SWAG talents (after 35 years in industry, I have much experience with SWAG's!), I'll guess around MP 13.6, just past Green Parrot approaching the location of today's I-270 crossing before going by the Osage Hills depot. Good location for the SLSF PR photo guy. But, it's a total SWAG! Ken
I totally agree with Tom. Texas Special with a Katy heavyweight chair car and the fourth car being the Glendale. If you look closely at the photo you can make out the shadow lining. And yes, very cool photo! Gordon
Karl, I have some actual Texas Special consists from the 1950's. If you have the date, we might determine the entire consist. Tom
Tom, Do you think you could share some of those consists. I'm sure a number of us would like to see them. Paul
Karl, Looks the curve at MP 16. There is a road crossing there, first one west of Kirkwood, and is probably where the photographer is standing. Brandon
I think that location is where Kirkwood and Valley Park meet, just before starting downgrade towards the river. I was on that stretch a few years back, just seeing where an access road went. Later, Dan
My choice of location is just east of the Quinette Road grade crossing. https://goo.gl/maps/5W7nEFboYeDHwDGeA