That video is enough to make a guy's innards quake with excitement and joy. That goes for any videos I see or have of 4-8-2 SLSF 1522. Don, It looks like the fireman is tossing scoops of sand into the firebox. I would presume it is to scour any oil residue? Seems like I have read that somewhere, it may have very well been one of your posts. Karl, Nice rods-down photo of SLSF 1522 as well. Best Regards,
Engineer had a twitchy leg syndrome. LOL. I do not know why, but when that guy leans way out of the rear of the cab, I just wanna give a good shove. I know, bad of me. Great video!
I am not sure who that is. I do not think it is any of our guys and I am not even sure where it is. Looks like somebody just sitting there for a "hero" shot.
0-6-0 SLSF 3695 is now indoors at the Museum of Transport. This was taken as good news. On the other hand, 4-8-2 SLSF 1522 was outside along with the Terminal Railroad Association (TRRA) 0-8-0. I certainly hope this is temporary, but the opportunity for a 360-degree view in full sun was welcome. I did not ask why it was out there. The Rock Island "office caboose" occupies the indoor space where 4-8-0 SLSF 1522 had been.
Hey Don, Were you able to get different sounds out of the Frisco whistle by controlling the volume of air, or did the full chord play no matter how hard the whistle cord would be pulled? I used to play with the horns on the Frisco units and could change the sound depending on how far I pulled on the handle. I do not think it is possible to do that now with the new diesels. I live close enough to the line down Bowden hill and follow freights up or down the hill in my mind by listening to the crossing being blown by the engineer. Brings back memories, but I am still glad I am retired. Terry
You could quill the 4-8-2 SLSF 1522's whistle. You could also loosen the top nut and turn the whistle body and change the sound by presenting different chambers frontward. The Burlington whistle was fun to play with. We were sitting on display at Galesburg, IL, I was barely pulling on the cord and it was sounding like a calliope. Not loud, just loud enough to hear next to the engine. Everybody thought that was funny. The IC whistle had even more of a minor sound to it, even though it was identical in size, etc., to SLSF 1522's. My Dad was very adept at steam whistles and first generation diesel horns, back when they had a cord.
Terry, All of the modern diesels have a push-button to activate the horn, so it is controlled by a solenoid valve; either open or closed. No way to play the horn.
This weekend the National Museum of Transportation (NMOT) is hosting a "shoot" and several locomotives are out in the open. The event also includes a night time session with special lighting. The 4-8-2 SLSF 1522 is out in the sun and looking a bit tattered.
It really was fun to play with the horn on the units we could. It added a little variety to the sounds. Terry
There are more photos of the 1522 as soon as I can go to the library so I can load the photos from my files. Joe
I was on the safety committee in Tulsa, OK when the 4-8-2 SLSF 1522 came to Tulsa for the employee appreciation activities. We had a safety fair and picnic which included several trips to Sapulpa, OK and back. My wife got to ride on the train, but I did not get to because of my responsibilities of the day. I must say that I was absolutely blown away with the beauty of the engine. My wife and I had visited the transportation museum in St. Louis when the engine was being restored and seeing it in its completed state was fantastic. I am sure I saw Don, but that was in my pre days and had no idea who was in the cab or working on the engine. Anyway, it was a great day for us in Tulsa to get to see such a beautiful engine. Terry
The blue flags on the engine reminded me of when I hired out in June of 1971. The only rule I was "familiarized" with was the blue flag rule. I had to sign a document that I had been instructed in this rule. After that I had to make six student trips as a fireman which was done as quickly as I could so that I could mark up on the fireman's extra board and start making money. My first student trip was on train No 438 called at 8:15 in Tulsa, OK east to Monett, MO. I stayed in the depot at Monett waiting for the first west bound train to get back home as fast as I could so that I could continue making those trips. Little did I know at the time that lack of sleep would be my lot in life for many of the next thirty eight years. All the other rules I learned on the job. Terry
Thank you, Joe. I am surprised at the memories that come to mind by some of the most innocuous things I see here on Of course, your photographs, which are fantastic by the way, are the reason for this particular memory. One question I have is the location of the bridge in these pictures. I did not see the bridges from this angle while running trains, so I am finding it impossible to figure out where they were taken. Terry
Here are more photographs of Frisco 4-8-2 1522 that I took on May 19, 2001 In the last photograph is Joannie Lovett, my daughter, at age 17. Enjoy. Joe
Ok, Joe, thanks. I cannot remember that bridge. I thought I would because it is a more substantial bridge than most. One thing I did notice was the extended bridge ties at both ends of the bridge which usually indicates work is about to or has finished through that area or on that specific bridge. The thing that has me confused is to the reason there are none in the middle of the bridge. Ok, so I see the same thing in this new bridge, namely extended bridge ties through part of the bridge. Maybe the tie insertion was not complete when you took these pictures. Any thoughts, William? More great photographs, and thanks for posting them. Terry