Watson Road / U.S. Route 66 Overpass - Bridge 8.8 - Shrewsbury, MO - St. Louis Subdivision Watson Road, Old Route 66, St. Louis, MO. Here's the bridge that the Sunnyland shot by Ivan Oaks was made on back in the thirties. If you look closely just above the "e" in "the", you can still see the old small Frisco Lines coonskin showing through. This was about 3 years or so ago.
Here are a few additional images of the bridge across Watson Road, formerly US Route 66, on the St Louis Subdivision, River Division of the Frisco. The south end trestle used to be much longer but was replaced by fill during the BN era. Photographs by Rich Lawler.
Here is a link to a location map. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&sou....580647,-90.325148&spn=0.009058,0.016458&z=16
From Richard Crabtree on Frisco Rails Across Missouri: Frisco ~ Shortest Line to Memphis - Birmingham - Pensacola in Shrewsbury, Missouri on Watson Road.