Tank Car Body On A Maintenance Of Way (MOW) Flatcar - SLSF 109324

Discussion in 'Maintenance of Way' started by TAG1014 (Tom Galbraith RIP 7/15/2020), Mar 12, 2018.

  1. TAG1014 (Tom Galbraith RIP 7/15/2020)

    TAG1014 (Tom Galbraith RIP 7/15/2020) Passed Away July 15, 2020 Frisco.org Supporter

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2024
  2. klrwhizkid

    klrwhizkid Administrator Staff Member Administrator Frisco.org Supporter


    If I am not mistaken, one is a dark blue, and the other two are yellow.

    The company color code, if I remember correctly is as follows.

    Black = Crude Oil,
    Yellow = Diesel Fuel,
    Blue = Waste Oil,
    Red = Gasoline, and
    White = Kerosene.

    I would assume it was for company diesel vehicle service in the field.

    Here it is with improved contrast light.

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2024
  3. Daniel Dawson

    Daniel Dawson Member

    It looks pretty small.

    Would this have been an 8,000 tank on a 40 foot flat?

    I am thinking about doing a model in N-scale but my smallest tanker is 10,000 gallon.

    And I have both a 40 foot and 50 foot flat car.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2024
    Ozarktraveler and Sirfoldalot like this.
  4. Karl

    Karl 2008 Engineer of the Year Frisco.org Supporter

  5. Daniel Dawson

    Daniel Dawson Member

    Yeah, I saw that one, too.

    It also looks quite small.

    My tank is a triple dome, which is why I was eyeballing the other.

    Information of both of them seems a bit lacking, however.

    They would both make a great model.

    At least the one photograph is in color.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2024
    Ozarktraveler likes this.
  6. klrwhizkid

    klrwhizkid Administrator Staff Member Administrator Frisco.org Supporter


    I believe that is a 6,000 gallon tank.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2024
  7. Daniel Dawson

    Daniel Dawson Member


    I may have to rethink my plan.

    Maybe something 3D printed if I can find a file.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2024
  8. skyraider

    skyraider Member

    Hmm...I have got a tank car kit or two and a couple of built tank cars that are roads I do not care about.

    Also in my stash of unbuilt kits are two flatcars that look pretty similar to the one in the photograph with the three dome tank car lashed to it.

    This might have to be the next modeling project.

    Probably a stupid question: do you think the saddles the tank is resting on are cut out of timbers?

    Since they are painted, it does not really matter, but I was just curious.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2024
    Ozarktraveler and Sirfoldalot like this.
  9. klrwhizkid

    klrwhizkid Administrator Staff Member Administrator Frisco.org Supporter


    I believe they are wood.

    Wood would be more forgiving than metal or concrete, and easy to fabricate.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2024
  10. skyraider

    skyraider Member

    Thanks, Keith.

    That makes sense.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2024
  11. skyraider

    skyraider Member

    One more question.

    It is probably covered somewhere on the forum but I have not discovered it.

    What do the dome colors mean?

    Is blue water and yellow diesel?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2024
    Sirfoldalot likes this.
  12. Daniel Dawson

    Daniel Dawson Member

    See the second post on this thread.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2024
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  13. skyraider

    skyraider Member


    I missed that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2024
  14. skyraider

    skyraider Member

    Is there a dome color for water or is it just its own tank?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2024
  15. klrwhizkid

    klrwhizkid Administrator Staff Member Administrator Frisco.org Supporter

    I do not remember ever seeing a designated water tank car in MOW service, unless all silver might designate that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2024
    skyraider likes this.
  16. skyraider

    skyraider Member

    Thanks, Keith.
  17. skyraider

    skyraider Member

    Keith or any others,

    Currently I am building a good old simple BevBel / Athearn tank car.

    It is painted and lettered as a Frisco diesel service car. According to your post, I need to paint the dome yellow.

    Would you concur?

    The rest of the car is black with white lettering.

    Thank you,

    Paul Moore
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2024
  18. skyraider

    skyraider Member

    While searching I found another thread on tank cars and dome colors.

    Apparently, the Diesel Service tank cars were straight single dome tank cars and my Athearn / BevBel is a chemical tank car with the platform.

    Hmmm....now how to convert the chemical dome to a single dome car.

    The top of the dome is different, as well.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2024
  19. klrwhizkid

    klrwhizkid Administrator Staff Member Administrator Frisco.org Supporter


    For Diesel Fuel, the dome would be yellow.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2024
    skyraider likes this.
  20. klrwhizkid

    klrwhizkid Administrator Staff Member Administrator Frisco.org Supporter

    Here is a picture of a water tank car. Note the dome is silver.

    Frisco Water Tank Car.jpg

    And here is a black & white photo of SLSF 109602 that seems to follow suit:

    SLSF 109602 Water Tank Car 06-1975 W. Raia photo.JPG
    Last edited: May 21, 2024
    skyraider likes this.

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