SW1500 SLSF 352

Discussion in 'SW1500' started by meteor910, Nov 7, 2010.

  1. meteor910

    meteor910 2009 Engineer of the Year Staff Member Frisco.org Supporter

    SW1500 SLSF 352

    Here is another Frisco SW1500 shot.

    I keep finding these snapshots as I am cleaning out some old files.

    Sorry about the quality of the pictures. All I had back then was a cheap Kodak camera.

    There are several other pictures I will likely post as soon as I can date the photographs.

    Here is Frisco SW1500 SLSF 352, new in April 1972.

    The SW1500 was sitting in the North Yard.

    The photograph was taken in Springfield, MO, in March 1979.


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