Scullin Driver Patent Jan 25, 1936

Discussion in 'General Steam' started by Karl, Nov 6, 2012.

  1. Karl

    Karl 2008 Engineer of the Year Supporter

    This could be sub-titled... "Re-inventing the Wheel"

    The Scullin design, invented by Harry Dreibuss, was an attempt to create disc-centers that did not suffered from the strength problems that arose from previously designed "hollow", disc-centers as their diameters increased. The Scullin design also addressed stress issues that were present during the casting process.

    scullin_diagram_1.jpg scullin_diagram_2.jpg

    The innovative Frisco applied this design to its new 4300's not long after the patent was filed.

    scullin_p1.jpg scullin_p2.jpg scullin_p3.jpg
    scullin_p4.jpg scullin_p5.jpg
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2012
  2. yardmaster

    yardmaster Administrator Staff Member Administrator Supporter

    In my opinion, the Scullin disc-centers contributed a lot to the appearance of the rebuilt 4300-series Mountain locomotives. "Form follows function."

    I've often wondered how one would model these in order to achieve a suitable 4300 kitbash? I had a Spectrum 4-8-2 numbered in the 4300 series, but with spoked wheels. However, I swapped it with another member before I could get serious about how to model this feature.
  3. Sirfoldalot

    Sirfoldalot Supporter Supporter

    Blessed are they who go in circles for they shall be known as wheels

    Nice, Karl.

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