Next generation...

Discussion in 'General' started by Ozarktraveler, Sep 9, 2010.

  1. Ozarktraveler

    Ozarktraveler Member

    Had a great time last Saturday in Springfield. Took my son and oldest grandson to see the displays in the old courthouse, then on to Grant Beach Park. They were kind enough to fire up the Fairmont motor car, sounds great. Toured the museum and enjoyed their interest in trains. Spent a little over an hour on the pedestrian bridge over the east end of the BNSF yards. Was a little sad looking over the bare spot that held the Frisco museum car collection.

    Grandson was thrilled (he's 3) when the crews of the eastbound coal drag and the yard crew both waved and whistled for him. We watched several cars get sorted, covered hoppers, tank cars and refrigerated boxcars. The westbound coal drag didn't whistle/wave but I don't think they saw him. He cringed a little when the east bounder came to a stop to await the passing of the west bound coal drag. The brakes really squealed. Great weather, good times, topped off by a run to Andy's.
  2. wpmoreland719

    wpmoreland719 Member Supporter

    I know how you feel, Craig. I take my son, who's five, to watch trains on the UP line in Washington every now and then. There's usually a train through there every 20 minutes or so, most of them coal drags (loads east, empties west). There's only one crossing in Washington, and it has a "No Train Horn" sign, but they'll often burp the horn a little if a child waves to them.

    I think everyone of us who has a small child in the family should try to get them involved in this hobby. My son and I have really bonded through our love of trains. I have yet to see a little kid who isn't spellbound by a train. My wife was coaching YMCA youth soccer last fall and the whole team, even the girls, stopped and ran off the Locust Street field to watch two UP trains meeting each other in the valley below.

    Pat Moreland,
    Union Mo.
  3. kazmee

    kazmee Member

    This moment is really priceless and it should be kept in our memory and always reminisce happy moments like this, so when the time come, your children will be reminded of that moment that you and your son have bonded watching the train passing by.

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