Greenfield, MO - Engine House

Discussion in 'Roundhouses & Turntables' started by Karl, Oct 13, 2010.

  1. Karl

    Karl 2008 Engineer of the Year Supporter

    I have completed my initial draft of the Greenfield, MO engine house as based on my B&B inventory.

    It is a butt-ugly, box structure, that served no other purpose than to keep a locomotive or Bull Moose out of the weather. It had no pit, and it lacked the space to perform any serious repairs. The Frisco retired it on December 28, 1933.

    Now to the point of my initial post. The structure had two, single-paned windows, and lacking any other information, I seek input with regard to their placement. Both windows are small, one is 16" x 30" and the other is 10" x 14". The door-end of the structure was the south elevation, and the blind end was on the north side.

    My initial drawing show the plan and the east elevation. The door-end was 17' high, and the blind-end was 15' high. I am inclined to believe that locomotives and the Bull Moose were backed-in.

    My current thinking is to place both windows centered above each other on the blind end. I'd place the smaller window at the bottom to give the hostler a notion where the end of the building was. I'd place the larger window up high to serve as a type of "skylight".

    I have drawn the two windows, and they are "floating" at the front of the house at the height that I would place them on the blind-end.

    Where would you place the windows?.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2024
  2. yardmaster

    yardmaster Administrator Staff Member Administrator Supporter


    The south end seems pretty logical, especially if their desire was to ensure more sunlight coming into the box.

    Talk about an austere engine houses!

    But, from a modeler's standpoint, it looks to be a good prototypical structure for a small layout, and one that would be a good start for the aspiring scratch builder.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2024
  3. wmrx

    wmrx MP Trainmaster


    You really seem to be doing your homework with the Greenfield facilities.

    Do you have any track diagrams for the Greenfield area in the timeframe you are working with?
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2024
  4. Karl

    Karl 2008 Engineer of the Year Supporter

    I have a 1928 track chart, which is posted on this web site, a 1906 Dade County Plat book, and several Sanborn Maps of different vintages from the digital Mizzou Collection.

    There is some contradiction between the plat book and the Sanborn maps with regard to the engine house location. The track chart conflicts with the B&B record with regard to the "prairie" turntable and the existence of a wye.

    It is a study in progress.

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2024

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