geaux frisco

Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by e8dave, Dec 4, 2009.

  1. e8dave

    e8dave Member

    My name is David and I live in Baton Rouge, La. I have been custom painting N & HO for over 25 years. I am ready to paint some red and white SD45's & SD40-2's in N gauge. Yes, I do have some Microscale decals for that. Any odd pictures welcome. Thanks, David
  2. pbender

    pbender Member Supporter

    HI Dave,

    Nice to know there is another Frisco N-scaler in Louisiana. I live in Lake Charles. If you're in my neck of the woods, drop me a note and I we can talk Frisco.

  3. Sirfoldalot

    Sirfoldalot Supporter Supporter

    I'm not an N- scaler, nor do I live in Louisana - but I was born in Shreveport. Have cousins in Lake Charles and Baton Rouge - does that count. :D
  4. SteveM

    SteveM Member Supporter

    Welcome to group from another N scaler born in Louisiana (due to war not being quite over yet.)
    Those six axle units would tear up the track on my Ft. Smith layout, but it's good to hear that the fleet is being built up/maintained elsewhere.
    Also, just thinking about having an o/w FM switcher sitting around is tantalizing. But I've got dozens (seems like hundreds) of structures and the lift bridge to model before even thinking about learning to paint engines. Thank goodness Atlas has produced GP 15's, GP 38's, U25B's and B-30-7s.
    We had a local fellow painting N scale a few years ago; I need to track him down. He was pretty good at spotting details to add, too. Maybe I can get some photos from him.
  5. Iantha_Branch

    Iantha_Branch Member

    I tried N scale. Didn't work out. Still have my stuff. I'm a fan of the frisco. Does that count?
  6. grace65746

    grace65746 Member Supporter

    I also have a few Frisco items in N scale. My locomotives are an FA-1, which was made by Atlas stock #4015 in B/Y road #5230, a Life-Like E-8, road #2016 with "Citation", a custom painted GP-7 in O/W, can't remember the road #, I think this one is an old Rapido model, and a GP-40 model in O/W made by Bachmann. As for frieght cars, I have two 42' gondolas made by Atlas, with different road #s, one like new with the five containers, the other has been weathered a bit, and no load. I have three boxcars, two are Atlas, the other is a Con-Cor, and two cabeese, one is an Atlas standard type (not extended vision) in original box, and the other is a Con-Cor extended vision style with body mounted couplers. I already have a small laout mounted on a board, which I copied from a layout found in Atlas's Beginner's Guide To N Scale.

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