Etched Brass. Is it worth trying

Discussion in 'General' started by SAFN SAAP, Mar 29, 2011.


    SAFN SAAP Member

    Hi Y'all,

    I'm working on the 2-8-0 conversion to Frisco 76 and I've been thinking of how to replicate the thin brass work that Mellor had prepped for the kit.

    In reading his instructions, I see that the parts are etched brass. I found a brass etching kit that Micro Mark sells. Has anyone tried to etch brass before? I'm not only thinking of making etched parts for this build, but also for old Lee Town tender kits. Making them out of brass may be the way to go.

    Any thoughts, wisdom, or insight would be appreciated.


    Randall "Manny" Morgan
  2. renapper (Richard Napper RIP 3/8/2013)

    renapper (Richard Napper RIP 3/8/2013) Passed away March 8, 2013

    I just finished my frist run of Etched Brass Caboose ladders. I used the same process I do to make printed circuit boards. Dalpro in St. Louis, laminated my Brass shetts on both sides. I made the Master negative mask on my computer and printed it out on Transparency sheets. I tape two together to make the master so there are no holes in the master. I exspose the brass for two minutes, each side, using a Ultraviolet light box. A chemical caustic soda, I thnik, is used to develope the brass , then you can use radio shack etchant to etch the brass. I have the MicroMark system which is the same process. I did ot use it because my brass sheets were too big, but I see no reason why it would not work.
    Richard E. Napper

    SAFN SAAP Member

    Hey Richard,

    Thank you so much for your informative reply. I'm glad to see that you have the exact Micro Mark kit that I am thinking of purchasing. I'm thinking of using it for smaller stuff at first. Once I get the hang of it, I'll try bigger things.

    Thanks again!

    Randall "Manny" Morgan
  4. JamesP

    JamesP James Pekarek

    Let me know how it works, I've been thinking about etching builder's plate for my locomotives. Instead of etching completely through, I would like to use thicker brass and just etch partway.

    And please Manny... give us some pictures of 76 when you get it done!

    - James Pekarek

    SAFN SAAP Member

    Hey James,

    What you are intending to do is exactly what I need to do. This process is all new to me. The firebox sides of the Mellor kit have etched bolts and an area etched for the third and fourth driver to clear.

    I hope to duplicate these, along with cab floors, cab sides, windows and walkways to tenders. Who knows. I may do this as a sideline for y'all if the demand is there.

    Check out my Mellor 2-6-2/2-8-0 thread for pics. They are coming slowly but surely.

    Randall "Manny" Morgan
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 30, 2011
  6. renapper (Richard Napper RIP 3/8/2013)

    renapper (Richard Napper RIP 3/8/2013) Passed away March 8, 2013

    When I etched the brass ladders for the caboose ladders, I used 1/16" thick brass and had to put the pattern on both sides for it to etch all the way through, if you want to go only part way, approximately half way, just put the pattenr on only one side.
    Richard E. Napper

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