I was wondering if the Frisco had any kind of standard as to where their telegraph poles were placed along trackage. I was thinking about using a 4 wire setup like the one pictured.
Derrick, From the field notes that Karl Brand's father made (maps posted for various towns), it appears that all of the line poles were on the west side of the track. The only photo that I can find of line poles on the Clinton Sub is the photo of the yard that Dale Rush has shared. http://www.frisco.org/vb/attachment.php?attachmentid=6415&d=1234639654 Based off of this photo, I'd say that a 4-wire setup is "good enough." Good luck! Best Regards,
Thanks. I noticed the same thing from Karl's father's notes. I just wasn't too familiar with what was used. 4-wire it is...
Another question on this topic. How did telegraph wires cross rivers? Like the Osage River for example.
Please see this link for a general discussions regarding pole line placement. Telegraph pole Spacing standard On the Clinton Sub the pole line was placed as follows: MP D3-D27+9 poles, West side of track M D27+10 poles - D43+7 poles, East side of track MP D43+8 poles - D118 + 6 poles, West side of track MP D118+7 poles - D120+21 poles, East side of track MP D120+22 poles - D153+19 poles, West side of track MP D153+20 poles - Johnston Ave (JA Junction) Springfield D191+20 poles, East side of track I have three comments with regard to the poles that you're using in your drawings. Guy lines were not used on every pole; the Frisco poles didn't have the "peg steps". The "cap" on the pole wasn't used either.
Karl, I noticed some of your father's maps don't have poles. Are those cases where the wires ran away from the tracks and right of way? Thanks, Tom
Thanks for the additional info and link Karl. Very helpful. I've found some additional poles that look much more prototypical for the Frisco.
I have another question about telegraph poles and wires along the highline. Was the Frisco railroad pretty good about keep trees trimmed and cut back away from the track right away? Thanks in advance for any responses.
Early on the Frisco had line crews that cut brush and trees from the pole lines, grade crossings were cut with tractor mowers or by hand and the ROW cut with mowers and by hand. Later most weed and brush control was performed with spray trains, & trucks and on-track mowers. As the pole lines were abandoned the line crews were abolished and brush was allowed to grow under the pole lines. Sight distance at grade crossings was always maintained. Primary lines were well maintained, secondary lines such as the Clinton Sub were not as well maintained. Mike L