Clinton Subdivision - Form 19 “E” Time Order

Discussion in 'Train Orders' started by Karl, Jun 17, 2020.

  1. Karl

    Karl 2008 Engineer of the Year Supporter

    The oldest train order in my collection is from the Frisco’s Clinton Sub; it has a connection with the KCCS Ry, ie, Engine 79 from that road. The Form 19, “E” Time order, which was delivered to the Conductor and Engineer of Number 52 at Belton, MO instructs Number 23 with engine 79, the KC-Clinton Plug, to run 45 minutes late between Grandview and East Lynne.

    Passenger train, Number 23, left KCUS during the early evening, and it provided service to the day travelers, who had gone to the big city that morning. In charge of Number 23 is engine 79. Number 79, nee 201, is one of the 12, Manchester-built (1884), 4-4-0’s, which was built for the Clinton Line. Number 52 is the Clinton-Coburg Local, which left Clinton mid-morning.

    Number 23 probably received a Form 31 version of this order at Sheffield, where it was required to register. The order required Number 23 to run at least 45 minutes late between the points named in the order. The train could not make-up any time on its “new” schedule.

    In the train order scenario, Number 23 is a First Class train and Number 52 is a Third Class train.
    Since Number 52 is inferior to Train 23, 52 must clear the mainline at the ETT-specified meeting point by at least 5 minutes (Rule 87). Number 23 is 45 minutes in the bag meeting Number 52 at its scheduled point; keeping that meet would delay Number 52 by the same 45 minutes. The Time Order was delivered to Number 52, so that its crew knows the location of Number 23, and given that information, the crew of Number 52 can continue to work north against Number 23, and clear the mainline without having to wait for the late passenger train.

    Given the locations and the time that the order was made “complete”, I suspect that this order was also delivered to Train 59. Number 59 was the “through” Clinton-KC freight, which usually departed Clinton about 6:30 PM. Likewise, the order would let the crew of Number 59 know where the Clinton Plug was. The dispatcher assumes that by the time Number 23 reaches East Lynne, it will have met all opposing trains, 52 and 59, and its crew can try to make-up lost time.

    An Aug 1932 image of KCCS 79, along with a 4100, and spot-class engine, number 14, may be seen by following this URL.

    Last edited: May 6, 2024
    klrwhizkid and rjthomas909 like this.
  2. klrwhizkid

    klrwhizkid Administrator Staff Member Administrator Supporter

    Excellent presentation, Karl!
    Ozarktraveler likes this.

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