Cabooses SLSF 1726-1735 - Bay Window Road Pool Cabooses - Diagrams, Drawings, Plans - Inquiry

Discussion in '1726-1735' started by r c h, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. r c h

    r c h Ft Worth - Tulsa Engineer

    I am looking for any drawings or diagrams for the bay window cabooses SLSF 1726-1735.

    I would like to make a model of one, but I lack some basic overall measurements including width, length, height, etc.

    If no plans are available, does anyone have access to a prototype to take measurements?

    With basic information I may be able to scale from enough photographs.

    Armed with enough data, I can produce some detailed 2D and 3D drawings in AutoCAD format.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2024
  2. FriscoFriend (Bob Hoover RIP 4/12/2018)

    FriscoFriend (Bob Hoover RIP 4/12/2018) Passed Away April 12, 2018 Supporter

    There were two of these in Picher, OK until just recently.

    But unfortunately, I believe they have both been scrapped.

    Maybe someone else can verify this.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2024
  3. Sirfoldalot

    Sirfoldalot Supporter Supporter

    I think the museum out here in Perris has an Southern Pacific (SP) bay window caboose.

    I wonder if the Southern Pacific version was close the Frisco version?

    I will find out and get some details.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2024
  4. r c h

    r c h Ft Worth - Tulsa Engineer

    No, the only real similarities I can find are they both have bay windows, welded construction and X-panel roofs.

    The bays are different sizes and the windows are different shapes and sizes.

    I think some of these ended up on a short line, so once I track them down, hopefully I can contact someone in the area.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2024
  5. RogerRT

    RogerRT Staff Member Staff Member Supporter

    There is only one (1) bay window left in service on BNSF, the caboose SLSF 1731 - BN 12610 at Mandan, ND.

    There were a couple sold to the Columbus and Greenville (C&G) in Columbus, MS.

    Not sure if they are still on property.

    That is all that is left, the rest have been scrapped.

    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2024
  6. r c h

    r c h Ft Worth - Tulsa Engineer


    Thanks, I am glad to hear there is at least one left on property.

    I will see if I can have my brother track down caboose BN 12610 for me.

    The drive to Columbus is a little far for me.

    Anyone here from Mississippi or Alabama?
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2024
  7. r c h

    r c h Ft Worth - Tulsa Engineer

    I located 12610 on the mainframe and my brother is going to see about taking some measurements for me.

    I would imagine its a hot item this time of year - it gets mighty cold in Nodak.

    Is there a chance I could find anything in Kansas City?

    I will be there for the rest of this month and I will be looking for something to do.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2024
  8. w3hodoug (Doug Hughes RIP 03/24/2021)

    w3hodoug (Doug Hughes RIP 03/24/2021) 2008 Engineer of the Year Supporter

    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2024
  9. r c h

    r c h Ft Worth - Tulsa Engineer

    Thanks for the link!

    I am hopeful I can find someone in the area who can get some additional photographs and data on this caboose.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2024
  10. yardmaster

    yardmaster Administrator Staff Member Administrator Supporter

    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2024
  11. r c h

    r c h Ft Worth - Tulsa Engineer

    Thanks, Chris.

    I think for its time that model of caboose SLSF 1730 was pretty good.

    But given the wealth of prototype specific cabooses along with all the related detail parts that have been produced in the two decades since that article, a pretty accurate model could be cobbled together fairly easily.

    I would love to find a general arrangement drawing like the wide vision caboose in the same issue of Caboose Kibitzer.

    If that fails, I will have to rely on measurements of the prototype.

    Failing that, I will scale from photographs.

    Just for your information for anyone who is interested, I found out that CAGY 51, former SLSF 1732, is still around on a Genesee and Wyoming (G&W) property somewhere.

    The other Frisco caboose they acquired was indeed scrapped.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2024
  12. mark

    mark Staff Member Staff Member

    Giving this thread a bump to stimulate activity.

    We still need plans posted for this class of cabooses.

    A decade ago there were several posts concerning getting plans drawn up.

    Have plans been found or developed for the Frisco built bay window cabooses?

    Could the plans be made available as 2D scale drawings with dimensions and 3D plans for potentially printing the cabooses in HO-scale and N-scale?

    Please also see the post asking these questions on the thread Caboose SLSF 1735.

    Hope this helps.

  13. davidgaines

    davidgaines Member


    There are photographs of cabooses SLSF 1727 and SLSF 1732 in the Nick Molo book Frisco/Katy Color Guide to Freight Equipment, page 128.

    Information with the photographs say they were home built and mentions that the windows on each side were different and that the bay windows were not centered on the car.

    Here are a couple of cars available on Ebay.|tkp:Bk9SR_KSvMfwYw|tkp:Bk9SR_SSvMfwYw

    Apparently there was an Athearn model of caboose SLSF 1732 but I cannot find an available one.

    Here is another Athearn kit on Ebay.|tkp:Bk9SR_rsmMjwYw

    I just looked at HO. There are lots of N scale bay window cabooses on Ebay.

    Another HO.

    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2024
  14. mark

    mark Staff Member Staff Member


    Thank you for the response.

    However, my original question remains unanswered by the reply.

    The follow up was concerning the prior conversations regarding finding or developing accurate plans for our Frisco cabooses.

    What we are looking for are prototype caboose blue prints, drawings, diagrams or plans.

    This could involve locating original documents or tapping the skills of our members to develop plans.

    Accurate scale drawings and dimensions will add to our knowledge base, permit us to scratch build or potentially resin print cars that are accurate for the Frisco.

    Similar conversations have been entered concerning the extended or wide vision cars in the SLSF 1400-1432 and 1700-1725 and 1776 class cabooses.

    The post did not request potential models or examples.

    For added clarification, the Athearn model is not close to the Frisco bay window cabooses. It is based on a Southern Pacific (SP) and subsidiary St. Louis Southwestern (SSW) or Cotton Belt C-40 class prototype caboose.

    That caboose is riveted, has a diagonal panel roof, vertical rectangular windows incorrect in number and placement, different ends, different bays and windows, side sills with multiple notches, incorrect underbody battery box and fuel tank, roof walks, end ladders, etc.

    The Walthers HO-scale and American Models S-scale cabooses though in some aspects closer, are also inaccurate for the Frisco.

    Hope this helps.


  15. davidgaines

    davidgaines Member


    Ya'll are the experts.

    That is one reason I am trying to sell my HO stuff. I was just trying to show that there might be "close" models out there.

    No dog in the fight so I should not have replied to the post. And no offense taken.

    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2024
  16. mark

    mark Staff Member Staff Member


    Thanks for the note.

    This forum is designed for and encourages the exchange of ideas, knowledge, information, photographs and documents.

    Its success is dependent upon folks sharing.

    Always glad to see folks contribute.

    Hope this helps.



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