Fellow Frisco Folks, I don't know if this is the best place to put this announcement, but I can repost elsewhere if needed. I live near Rolla, MO, which, as most of you know, is home to 1501 and an old Jim Crow car. I have received an email from the Director of Parks and Recreation for the City of Rolla, who tells me that they are interested in doing some rehab work on the 1501 and the Jim Crow car, and he is looking for ideas, materials, and labor. The exact scope of the project is not yet certain, but the city is recognizing the need. It may include things like painting, rehabbing the interior of the Jim Crow car, rehabbing the cab of the engine. Personally, I would like to see improved signage and the valve gear reassembled on the fireman’s side. Help might come in the form of labor, soliciting donations, publicity, supporting laborers. Really, the project is currently very open-ended, and they are looking for help to shape the plan. Anyway, I would like to hear from anyone interested in supporting the project. One of the initial hurdles is demonstrating potential support to the city. Nobody is enlisting by responding. We just want to get the word out, see what kinds of help we might be able to generate, and see what ideas might be floating around. Several of you have noted the poor state many surviving engines are in and lament the deterioration of the 4-8-2 SLSF 1501. If you are in reasonable range of Rolla, MO, here is your chance to help correct this problem. Also, spread the word to anyone you know who might be interested. The more interest that is generated, the more likely this project can accomplish something good.
I live in Dixon, MO and would be willing to help as time allowed. Painting the old girl in the appropriate colors and constructing new cab windows would be a good start. How does the city plan to finance this? Parks funds, fund raising? It would be nice if one could come up with a reasonable replacement for the bell that was stolen so many years ago would be nice too. Brad Slone
Great, Brad! That part remains fuzzy, but the idea is to supplement Parks and Recreation budget dollars with donations in kind and so forth. How much will depend largely on the exact shape the project assumes as it comes together. The city has some projects to do first, but the idea is to begin getting the long-range planning and organizing going. I strongly suspect that the project will assume whatever shape the folks involved conceive and follow-through on. Within reason, of course, nobody is thinking about making them operational or anything. I am pretty sure no actual rehabilitation work will get done this year, but it would be nice to have some plans in place for next year. Right now, part of the need is to find out what is possible. I am pushing to see a survey done that at least suggests achievable end-points. I would like to get a few folks together with a little experience in this arena who can think in terms of cost-benefit of different approaches and specific tasks.
Due to circumstances beyond my control, I would not be able to physically help. But, It can provide lettering artwork in a smaller size, photographs galore of her in service and technical advice, free of course. As Brad mentioned, replacing the bell and classification lights would be a huge step in restoring her appearance. And PLEASE do not paint the tires white or stripe the running boards!
Thank you, Don! And do not you worry, no white or silver, as is the current case, tires or running board. I have long deplored that sort of thing. When we get to that point, accurate paint and lettering is a primary goal. One of the other things I hope to do is to make the cab presentable, and I am sure that you can provide or point us to solid advice there.
Interesting potential development here. I post the email I got this morning from Floyd Jernigan, Director of Parks for Rolla: Mr. Mark Shields, of Springfield, MO, who is copied here, called and believes he has the original bell from our Frisco 4-8-2 SLSF 1501 engine that is believed to have been stolen approximately 1968. Attached are pictures of the bell. He purchased this from an auction company on the Internet and would like to have it verified and returned to Rolla to the train. He needs a copy of a police report of the theft of the bell and any accompanying documentation, stories, and pictures to confirm the theft to the auction company as well as someone who can authenticate the bell. You will note from the picture that SLSF 1501 is stamped on the bell. I know from our records that the train had some restoration work done in 1997, with repainting by Richard Allison. It really needs to have something done again. This would be a great jumpstart to that initiative and could be a wonderful event for the city and historical preservationists as well as railroad buffs. Attached are some discussion threads that provide some background, as well as a copy of our city brochure on the train engine and caboose. http://www.rypn.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=30887 There is a deadline to when he has to have this information to the auction company so your prompt response would be appreciated. Please do anything you can to help in this effort, and share this information with any other interested parties who might be of help.
*Doh* [Facepalm] You are right, Don. It never occurred to me to look at the base of the bracket. Bummer! We still have to wonder where that bell is, I guess. Maybe the attention will break loose some activity on the rehab project.
I would love to work on the SLSF 1501, but I hear a voice saying “Oh, you have time to paint a steam engine, but not our house". Seriously though, if the ball ever gets rolling, I would help when I could. I am about 40 minutes from Rolla, MO. Pat Moreland Wesco, Missouri
I have always maintained that the bell went to live at a Frat house, but that is just my opinion. I could see it as a challenge to engineering students.
Yes, that is a very likely scenario. Well if so hopefully it is still around. Maybe one day it will resurface.
The whole thing is taking longer to get traction than anticipated, except maybe by the folks who have done this sort of thing before. But the idea continues to build momentum. A bell is being procured with the idea that a new bracket can be fabricated. It will not be hers, but it will be a bell. If hers ever surfaces, of course it will be replaced. Pat, I can see your wife saying that. My wife used to work for her. But I will hold you to your offer. ;-)
Well what does it really take to get "traction"? I feel like if we spread the word about the rehabilitation project, then it could get the public's interest and possibly gain more traction. To be honest, the only way I found out that this project is happening was from this thread. Why has it not been put out in the public yet?
Well, political inertia is the fundamental answer. There are Powers That Be in the city government who have not quite wrapped their heads around this yet. Weather permitting, I hope to talk to the Parks Director again this weekend, and maybe I can post some more news soon.
Do you think they can turn it into a small museum, like 4-8-4 SLSF 4524 in Springfield, MO? Without the paint job, of course. I see that they would need to acquire a few more cars to make it the same size, but I think they could make a small, walk through museum in the passenger car.
Brad, something along those lines is sort of the ultimate goal:. The immediate goal is rehabilitation and preservation of the current equipment. I am told that a budget meeting is due to take place very soon, and this topic is on the agenda. More information as I get it.
Folks, an effort to try to locate the 4-8-2 SLSF 1501's actual bell is afoot. I know that no one here has it. But keep a weather eye out for auctions and other possible sales venues. If anyone has any information at all, to include just remembering when the bell disappeared and whether the yoke went with it at that time, anything at all would help. Thanks!
My great-grandfather was a machinist with the Frisco Railway. It is not labeled but I believe this photograph is from the 1950s, perhaps the engine being prepared for display. I was not sure if it would be a useful reference. I digitally cleaned up the photograph but I also uploaded the original in case I distorted some detail. Frisco 1501 by ryanbgstl posted Apr 7, 2019 at 12:27 AM Frisco 1501 by ryanbgstl posted Apr 7, 2019 at 12:27 AM
After she was cosmetically restored at Lindenwood Yard in St. Louis, MO in 1955 prior to going to Rolla, MO.