

Crooked-Creek-Crater Between Salem Branch SLSF ( Pat's Wesco) and Sligo Furnace Co. railroads is where a meteor impacted earth ~ 300,000 years ago. The Circle shape has steep hillsides & within topo lines are far apart. So why is important? There is a winery there with Crater Red Wine.

mountaincreekar, Apr 3, 2019
Jesse Henry likes this.
    • mountaincreekar
      ~ 300,000,000 years ago a meteor impacted the earth. The location is between Salem-Branch
      SLSF, Pat's Wesco, and Sligo Furnace Company's railroad. In a circular pattern, on the circumference the circle has steep hillsides and within the circle the topo lines are far apart.
      Still can see the remains.
      Why is the meteor crater so important? There is a winery nearby, who makes Crater Red wine.
      Pat says it is outstanding !
      Jesse Henry likes this.
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