
327 and 704

327 and 704
    • pbender
      I like the GP7 dead in tow after the first boxcar. That's noted in the rulebook, but you don't see it often.

    • yardmaster
      Anyone know the location of this one?
    • nickmolo
      definitely, north end of East Thomas Yard in Birmingham, AL. Republic Steel and coking in the right background. Wade Sand and Gravel in left background. Birmingham Southern connection track curving off to the right. BS General No.1 typically delivered right into East Thomas on it's way to their downtown trackage which crosses the Frisco track just under the first hopper in the southbound train. The BS and SLSF right of way goes over Billy Goat Hill together right to downtown to the left in the photo.

      Nick Molo
    • patrick flory
      I thought this was a layout. :coffee::eek::LOL::ROFLMAO:
    • geep07
      @pbender What is the purpose of having a dead loco being towed behind a freight car?
    • pbender
      @geep07 all I really know is there is a rule in the rulebook that says ( paraphrasing, without the rulebook in front of me) engines dead in tow must be separated from working engines and from each other by an idler car.

      This might go back to a union rule or just be for weight distribution.
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