

wpmoreland719, Apr 24, 2010
Joe Lovett and mountaincreekar like this.
    • mountaincreekar
      Hey Pat,

      Do you have your train set back back up?
      Or have you been fishing out the Meramec? ha ha
    • wpmoreland719
      Hi Charles. Thank you for liking the photos in this album.

      Yep, I have another up and running. All of the track is completed and about a quarter of the scenery. It has Wesco, the Hwy M crossing (which is complete with flashing lights), a yard at Salem, and since you mentioned it, yes it does have Owensville and Union, as well as a large bridge based on the Rock's crossing of the Osage River at Henley. In other words, it's not prototypical, but it has some of the locations that I like best. Both Frisco and Rock Island trains use the line, as though it ran south from Owensville, through Salem, and on to Little Rock, like the St. Louis, Salem and Little Rock RR was supposed to. It has some sharp curves (22 radius), but can handle six axle diesels and 30 car trains. It provides some relief during the winter.

      My son does a lot of fishing here on the Meramec. He's pretty good at catching fish. He started catching largemouths back in March. I've ran my jet boat up and down the river looking for morels along the bank, but haven't found any.

      Hope you're doing well,
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    Salem Branch Layout
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    Apr 24, 2010
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