I have been noticing on just about all the diesel locomotives that were painted in Mandarin orange and white paint scheme that the step side sill edge were not painted white, or they were painted and the white paint faded to the point that it looks like it was not painted at all. Was this a paint shop random decision at the time of repainting Mandarin orange and white to paint them or not?
Hi John Your talking about the edges of the steps right? While I can't say for sure, that might be the case is, when the locomotives were originally painted the FRA did not mandate painting contrast colors of steps and the handrails at steps. They have been painted that way for my entire career. This is a somewhat lengthy read but read item 6. https://law.justia.com/cfr/title49/49- Hopefully will shed some light. An interesting read.
Tom, Thank you so much for this information. I guess I will paint the edges white if the locomotive I am modeling has a photograph of it painted white. If the photograph shows it as non painted then it will be non-painted. Cannot go wrong with this theory! John