SD38-2 SLSF 297

Discussion in 'SD38-2' started by meteor910, Oct 18, 2007.

  1. meteor910

    meteor910 2009 Engineer of the Year Staff Member Supporter

    Here is the entire Frisco SD38-2 roster - four units: SLSF 296, 297, 298, 299; 2000 HP, entered SLSF service in June, 1979.

    Note the dynamic brakes on the first two, SLSF 296 and SLSF 297, for use at Tulsa, where the Cherokee Yard "hump" is actually a long downgrade.

    The last two SLSF 298 and SLSF 299, were used in Memphis, where the Tennessee Yard hump is the normal configuration, and hence these two units did not have dynamic brakes.

    They all each had special controls and/or gearing for low speed operation.

    I do not know the identity of the photographers. These pictures were obtained from public sources such as on-line pages, e-Bay, friends, etc.

    I also recall a Mike Condren 35 mm slide showing the first two passing through Pacific, MO on their way to Tulsa. I have that around here somewhere.



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  2. RogerRT

    RogerRT Staff Member Staff Member Supporter

    SD38-2 SLSF 297 - BN 6261

    Tulsa, OK.


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    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 26, 2024

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