Prototype depot information

Discussion in 'General' started by Drew Meek, Apr 15, 2006.

  1. Drew Meek

    Drew Meek Member


    I am an architect, and a member of the Great Plains Transportation Museum in Wichita. I am currently researching prototype information for a replica depot project that I am working on.
    I have access to a Santa Fe standards book, but I would like to research more prototypes if the information is available.

    Is there anyone who can refer me to drawings/ blueprints, etc. for Frisco depots? In particular, I am looking for smaller depots (around 14'x40') because site constraints limits what can fit.

    Thanks in advance!
  2. yardmaster

    yardmaster Administrator Staff Member Administrator Supporter

    There's a good deal of variety, even among the so-called "standard plans."
    Between depots and especially steam locomotives I've come to believe that "standard" didn't fit too well into the Frisco vernacular.

    A few "standard" plans that I've come across by using the "search" and type "Floor plan." FMIG founder Doug Hughes has posted several floor plans that were previously published in the old FMIG newsletters:

    Grandin MO 22' 2" x 80'2"

    Williford AR 24' x 56'
    (also for Winfield AL, Ravenden AR, Adamsville AL and Pratt City AL w/variations in length).

    Altnernatively, use the "Frisco Library" option in the upper left; from there choose "The Real Frisco - Depots & Stations" and browse away.

    Lee Chronister (now deceased) was a former River Division employee who, in retirement, had re-erected an old frame/board and batten depot in his back yard in Chaffee, MO to house his memorabilia collection. It was auction after he passed away but it was roughly the dimensions you've noted and looked quite nice.

    Good luck!
  3. Drew Meek

    Drew Meek Member

    Thank you. These plan images on this site are great. This is a terrific site!
  4. neal calton

    neal calton Guest

    call me at 417-831-5052 or email me sometime at and tell me which depots you specifically want plans on. I have most of the old ones (prior to WWII)

    Neal calton

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