Discussion in 'General' started by FriscoFriend (Bob Hoover RIP 4/12/2018), Mar 10, 2009.

  1. FriscoFriend (Bob Hoover RIP 4/12/2018)

    FriscoFriend (Bob Hoover RIP 4/12/2018) Passed Away April 12, 2018 Frisco.org Supporter

    To All:

    Part of this post is speculation on my part, but I feel important enough to post a comment. If anyone else out there has heard anything they can add, please do. It seems that with the recent trend in our economy, manufacturers may be tightening their belts. I have received two messages in the last day, one from an Internet dealer and one from a manufacturer stressing the need to pre-order a model when it's announced to be sure you get it. The retailer was more specific in saying that manufacturers were cutting down to 5% vs. a higher amount the number of models it was producing over the number it had pre-orders on. The manufacturer was less specific only saying it will be more important than before to pro-order a model than to play wait and see when it comes out.This is not all bad as I for one would rather a manufacturer continue offerring locos and cars in less popular roads than take the other track and only offer roads than they know will sell in large volumes. Bottom line, from this point forward, if you are sure you want a certain locomotive or car, place your order when it is announced. Most manufacturers have online clubs, announcement messages, etc. that we can sign up to so we know what is coming. I will continue to place announcements on this forum as I get them.

    Bob Hoover

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