Having trouble getting locos onto MSTS

Discussion in 'Virtual (V) Scale' started by Iantha_Branch, Oct 16, 2011.

  1. Iantha_Branch

    Iantha_Branch Member

    I downloaded some Frisco locos for MSTS a while back. I finaly got around to doing something with them today. Earlier today I succeded in getting some locos onto Chris Sawyers Locomotion. I tried doing the same for MSTS but they don't show up. I down loaded the files from: http://frankoburns.proboards.com/
    I unzipped the folders and transferred them into the TRAINSET folder on MSTS with the locos that came with the game. Then I start up Consist editor and they aren't there. Started up the game and they aren't there. So what do I need to do?


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