Frisco 4-6-0 engines 1100-1109

Discussion in '4-6-0 Ten Wheeler' started by RICHCRAB, Nov 11, 2005.


    RICHCRAB Guest

    Frisco 4-6-0 engines 1100-1111

    Hello Frisco Folks

    Here are some photos of Frisco 4-6-0 Ten Wheelers

    # 1100, 1102, 1104, 1105, 1107, 1109, & 1111

    Enjoy, Rich

    Ship it on the Frisco

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2006
  2. Ted Johnson

    Ted Johnson Member Supporter

    Living in Springfield in the late forties, early fifties I saw frisco 1111 pulling in to Springfield from the old highline from Kansas City many times. Got several cab rides over to the roundhouse. Frisco crews were quite friendly in those days.

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