Frisco #151 Project

Discussion in 'Steam Locomotives' started by Jim James, Feb 20, 2012.


    SAFN SAAP Member

    Hahahaha. That's right. You can blame it all on me. Do it right or go home. Right? Looks good. Hurry up (figuratively) and post up a video of the sound and her under steam!
  2. Jim James

    Jim James Staff Member Staff Member


    SAFN SAAP Member

  4. Jim James

    Jim James Staff Member Staff Member

    Got my email from the Sprog people that my item shipped today. I thought I would have it by now. Boo hoo!

    SAFN SAAP Member

    All good things come Jim. Let patience have her perfect work, but tell waiting to go pound sand!
  6. Jim James

    Jim James Staff Member Staff Member

    I finally got my Sprog DCC system and programmed my decoder pretty much the way I want. Here's a little video of #151's first run. Listen as the dynamo whines up and the headlight powers up. Two quick tugs on the whistle cord, a few pulls on the bell rope and we're off to Greenbrier. I know I didn't blow the whistle at the crossing in Greenbrier but I was busy shooting video. Enjoy the video, it's been a long time coming.

    SAFN SAAP Member

    Long, Long, quick pause, Short, Long. Start at the W on a Whistle Post and don't stop till the engine's lead pilot is over the crossing.

    Bell is rung when:

    • First starting.
    • Backing up always.
    • Arriving at a station stop.
    • Leaving a station stop
    • In a yard or siding, passing another train.
    • Busy road crossing at slow speeds

    All Whistle Sounds:

    Succession of short sounds Used when an emergency exists, or if persons or livestock are on the track.
    When train is stopped. The air brakes are applied and pressure is equalized.
    – – Train releases brakes and proceeds. o o Acknowledgment of any signal not otherwise provided for.
    o o o When train is stopped: means backing up, or acknowledgment of a hand signal to back up.
    o o o o Request for a signal to be given or repeated if not understood.
    – o o Warning that a second section of a timetabled train is following.
    – o o o Instruction for flagman to protect rear of train.
    – – – – Flagman return from the west or south.
    – – – – – Flagman return from the east or north.
    – – o – Train is approaching public grade crossing(s). This is known as Rule 14L in almost all railroad operating rules.
    – o Inspect the brake system for leaks or sticking brakes.

    If someone was to wave at the locomotive engineer and he wanted to say hello with the whistle, he would use, two short blasts!
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2012

    SAFN SAAP Member

    Congratulations Jim on a winning performance!


  9. klrwhizkid

    klrwhizkid Administrator Staff Member Administrator Supporter

    Jim, Play with the Engine Exahust Control variable CV (116) on the Sound tab in Decoder Pro. A higher number will result in more chuffs per unit time. There is a formula given for calculating that value:

    CV Value = 115.9 X SPD÷DIA where SPD is the locomotive's scale speed in mph at maximum throttle (this is where you limit the top speed with the Speed Table) and DIA is the locomotive's driver diameter in scale inches.

    Remember, there should be four chuffs per revolution if you are just going to try to do the approximation guessing game (that's usually what I do).​

    SAFN SAAP Member

    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2012
  11. Jim James

    Jim James Staff Member Staff Member

    Manny, thanks for that. I knew it was two somethings before proceeding. My bad. Keith, your right about that. I had it faster but sounded too fast. I slowed it down(I love that sliding scale in program mode) but too much. I will fix that. I'm really glad I tried DCC.
  12. Karl

    Karl 2008 Engineer of the Year Supporter

    This page is from my 1914 book of rules; the whistle signals were just a bit different, but many were the same as the "modern" ones. Its just another wrinkle for those who model the TOC Frisco

    Attached Files:

  13. Jim James

    Jim James Staff Member Staff Member

    Thanks, Karl! It is a little different. Especially the --00 at a road crossing at grade. That's different from modern times. I will use that from now on. Now I've gotta make some cross bucks and whistle posts. I'll have to see what a 1915ish RR crossing sign looked like.
  14. Sirfoldalot (Sherrel Weems RIP 8/29/2024)

    Sirfoldalot (Sherrel Weems RIP 8/29/2024) Supporter Supporter

    OK ... You guys have finally convinced me on the DCC.
    Just as soon as they come out with smoke and steam .. I am getting one!
  15. Jim James

    Jim James Staff Member Staff Member

    If you don't wire things right you may get the smoke :)
  16. Jim James

    Jim James Staff Member Staff Member

    Been busy building a deck and laying patio stone but I came across some rare photos of old #151's last days of service taken sometime in 1915. There's even a rare image of the firemans side. Special thanks to Keith, Manny, Sherrell and others who have helped me complete this loco transformation. I've included a color photo and a picture showing a Rivarossi Genoa which provided the basis for my project. Thanks for following along. I consider her fairly complete except for bell rope and what not.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2012
  17. Sirfoldalot (Sherrel Weems RIP 8/29/2024)

    Sirfoldalot (Sherrel Weems RIP 8/29/2024) Supporter Supporter

    Very nice, Mr. James.
    Looks as if the decals came thru .. Did you have any issues with them?
  18. Jim James

    Jim James Staff Member Staff Member

    No sir. I used that decal spray per your suggestion. Lots of Solv Set finished it off nicely. I used some of your decals and some from Manny. This was truely a group effort.

    SAFN SAAP Member

    Looks Good James! Now we need a video of her going around the pike.
  20. yardmaster

    yardmaster Administrator Staff Member Administrator Supporter

    Jim -
    Times like these, I start to seriously think about backdating to TOC Frisco System modeling. "Pardon me, while I stand and applaud."

    I do think your woodburner looks to be a long way from home. :)

    Superb modeling, and thanks for taking us along for the ride.

    Best Regards,

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