Does anyone know details of this painting?

Discussion in 'General' started by F6Sooner, Aug 15, 2021.

  1. F6Sooner

    F6Sooner Member

    I'm fully aware this is a long shot, but…

    I am helping the family of the late Andrew Harmantas dig up a a few details on some of his paintings. For those unfamiliar with Mr Harmantas, he was an east coast railfan sent by the Army to Ft. Sill in Lawton, OK, and he was immediately smitten by the Frisco. As such, a good deal of his artwork centered on the Frisco. He even named his personal website frisco484 (which was also his user name here on the Frisco forum).

    While many of his works have detailed descriptions of the scenes and/or locales depicted, many more don't. While it's clear what's depicted in this painting, I'm hoping someone might be able to share some info as the location or trains Mr. Harmantas was rendering. Perhaps someone spoke to him about the painting at a show or via correspondence, or maybe someone just might recognize the location or know more details behind the artwork. As I noted, I know it's a long, long shot, but any help is appreciated.


    Bill in OKC

    btw to see more of Mr. Harmantas's works, including many with the SLSF as the subject, you can go to Note that I have no financial stake in the sale. I only did the website (I'm not a web designer!) and am trying to help the family get more info on some of the pieces to provide additional information to potential buyers.

    Attached Files:

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