Howdy folks, I'm sure you've been enjoying the publication, The Meteor. I fear that its days may be numbered. Richard Napper, the editor, tells me that he is flat out of material and desperately needs more articles. If you have a topic about the Frisco, whether historical or modeling, and have been planning to write an article, now is the time to write it. If you aren't a writer, but have material that may be of interest to the Frisco community, then contact Richard, and we'll make arrangements for someone to work with you to prepare the article. Topics can be anything from historical facts about an area, type of locomotives preferred by a division, restoration of a depot, corporate structure, business practices, maintenance practices on the divisions, railroad customers and activities in an area, cars in a passenger train, modeling topics such as weathering a flat car, installing a light, building a depot, super detailing a locomotive, building a passenger train, prototype vs model trucks... I think you get the idea. Please contact Richard at [FONT="] to get started. Best regards, mike [/FONT]
"Open the door, Richard." I'll try to have one, if not two, article(s) on their way to you soon. Thanks for relaying the call, Mike. Best Regards,