Brass and stainless steel etching?

Discussion in 'General' started by friscomike, Dec 28, 2008.

  1. friscomike

    friscomike Administrator Staff Member Administrator Supporter

    Howdy folks,

    Has anyone etched parts in either brass or stainless steel? I saw a kit on Micro Mark that was't too expensive.

    I am wanting to make sturdier ladders for the AMB caboose so I can leave a couple at the train club. The wooden ladders won't last very long when folks begin handling them.

    Best Regards,
  2. yardmaster

    yardmaster Administrator Staff Member Administrator Supporter

    Mike -
    Haven't tried it myself but if you give it a whirl I'd love to hear how it turns out.

    Somewhere I have some old articles on scratchbuilding caboose ladders from brass wire and strip. They looked lovely but labor-intensive...I can't add more hours to my day, but if etched parts let's me use those hours more efficiently...

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