trainchaser007 (Brandon Adams RIP 9/22/2017)
Passed away September 22, 2017, from Sulligent, AL
- trainchaser007 (Brandon Adams RIP 9/22/2017) was last seen:
- Sep 4, 2017
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- Location:
- Sulligent, AL
- First Name:
- Brandon
- Last Name:
- Adams
- Era:
- 1887-present: Any point in time on the B'ham sub.
- Area of Interest:
- Alabama, Mississippi
- Layout Description and Progress:
Scale: HO
Layout: 140" x 65" with 108" x 24" access in the center.
Track: 22" radius oval with sidings.
- Special Interests:
- AT&N, SLSF in AL & MS
- Why are you joining this site?:
- F
- Brandon - Loading...
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