skyraider's Recent Activity

  1. skyraider replied to the thread QA&P.

    Love seeing those early black and yellow high nose hood units on the Q!!!!!!!! It's surprising that the GP-7 in the second photo is...

    Jul 26, 2024 at 7:56 AM
  2. skyraider liked gjslsffan's post in the thread QA&P.

    The following 2 images were taken on the 2 tracks that laid in the street just beside, North of the QA&P depot. The FW&D Main track and...

    20170907_144308.jpg 20170907_144638.jpg Jul 26, 2024 at 7:55 AM
  3. skyraider replied to the thread looking for info regarding my grandfather.

    Thanks, Keith. I appreciate you looking. My mom's dad was born 08 / 08 / 1908 on a farm about 8 miles from Joplin, MO. What I'd really...

    Jul 26, 2024 at 7:53 AM
  4. skyraider liked klrwhizkid's post in the thread looking for info regarding my grandfather.

    I just checked on Ancestry and a member, Mikel_Cooney59 from Woodway Texas has a James Martin McGuire in her family tree information....

    Jul 26, 2024 at 7:51 AM
  5. skyraider liked klrwhizkid's post in the thread looking for info regarding my grandfather.

    I went to the Greene County Library Frisco History site and looked in for...

    Jul 26, 2024 at 7:51 AM
  6. skyraider posted a new thread.

    looking for info regarding my grandfather

    Are there records anywhere regarding former employees? I realize the SLSF is long since gone, but I'd like to find a little more about...

    Grandfather's rail pass.jpg Grandfather's rail pass back.jpg

    Forum: Frisco Folks

    Jul 25, 2024 at 3:05 PM
  7. skyraider replied to the thread Quanah, Acme and Pacific (QA&P) - West Texas - Fictitious Model Railroad Layout Agriculture Industry.

    It's hard to believe they still use those things!!!!

    Jul 25, 2024 at 2:48 PM
  8. skyraider liked klrwhizkid's post in the thread Quanah, Acme and Pacific (QA&P) - West Texas - Fictitious Model Railroad Layout Agriculture Industry.

    Here is a modern day model; [ATTACH] [ATTACH]

    capstans-railcar-movers.jpg Manway-Cover-1.png Jul 25, 2024 at 2:47 PM
  9. skyraider attached a file to the thread Quanah, Acme and Pacific (QA&P) - West Texas - Fictitious Model Railroad Layout Agriculture Industry.

    Got the sign made, but I realized I can't finalize the building location until the new track and switches are laid. Once that is done,...

    IMG_7567.JPG IMG_7568.JPG Pinch Bar.jpg Jul 25, 2024 at 11:27 AM
  10. skyraider replied to the thread Building the Frisco System 1980 - Construction Project Documentation - HO-Scale Layout.

    That's sure not anything I'd worry about.

    Jul 24, 2024 at 9:06 PM
  11. skyraider attached a file to the thread QA&P.

    A few more photos from yesterday's QA&P expedition. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]

    IMG_7552.JPG IMG_7551.JPG IMG_7553.JPG IMG_7556.JPG Jul 24, 2024 at 8:38 AM
  12. skyraider liked gjslsffan's post in the thread QA&P.

    Thanks for posting this stuff Paul. I can't believe its been 7 years now since I was down that way. I will post a few images from those...

    20170907_144253.jpg 20170907_144303.jpg 20170907_144342.jpg Jul 24, 2024 at 7:24 AM
  13. skyraider liked Iantha_Branch's post in the thread QA&P.

    This is great sutff. Thanks for sharing

    Jul 23, 2024 at 8:22 PM
  14. skyraider posted a new thread.


    Today my wife went for a drive to explore the QA&P and my roots a little. It was a great day on both counts. We started the day in...

    IMG_7541.JPG IMG_7546.JPG IMG_7550.JPG IMG_7566.JPG Narcisso.JPG IMG_7565.JPG

    Forum: General

    Jul 23, 2024 at 7:23 PM
  15. skyraider replied to the thread Quanah, Acme and Pacific (QA&P) - West Texas - Fictitious Model Railroad Layout Agriculture Industry.

    Thanks, Keith and Ethan. Now to figure out where to put the sign...

    Jul 23, 2024 at 5:25 PM