
Mop interchange caboose #13889

Mop interchange caboose #13889
Iantha_Branch, Feb 14, 2010
mountaincreekar and Joe Lovett like this.
    • Douglas Harley
      this is a short bay window road caboose
    • RogerRT
      Doug is right, FYI...the MOP boys get kinda upset when you call it a transfer hack.
    • Rating:
      Joe Lovett
      We have one of those in Tulsa, it's not in very good shape though, it has a lot of graffiti on all sides.
    • mountaincreekar
      Yes, these were design for mainline services.
      This was the last caboose series built by MoPac.
      These shells were manufactured in the MoPac shops at DeSoto, MO ~ 1978 to ~ 1982.
      Then they were taken to the MoPac shops at Sedalia, MO
      where they were outfitted for long distance mainline services.

      When railroads stopped using cabooses for on mainlines,
      some of these were put into
      - regional services,
      - operations of transferring on numerous long branches,
      - switching within large yards (so numerous persons were on the crew),
      - being sold to other railroads for same type services and for mow teams,
      - others sold to within Mexico and south America.
      - some became display models at smaller towns for next to old depots or within parks,
      - others given to railroad museums ( like the one at the NMOT in St. Louis County - a few were scrapped.
      - Those well painted were also used 0n Christmas or excursion trains.

      The railroads liked these with large platforms which were handy for numerous duties.
    • patrick flory
      What is the steam engine behind it?
    • Rating:
      Very nice photo
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