Steve, I knew a Mr. Fulgraph ~ 1968 who had been a pilot for the B36 when he was young. He had a small new 4 seat powerful Piper and we would fly around the Ozarks on some looking for real estate trips. His older brother was a V.P. for Procter & Gamble who had a lot of money to buyup country large tracks. He knew that I was the guy to be a sight navigator since I for years ventured all over the Ozarks and I collected topo maps. I was good at that. When we landed veryyyy fast it was like your butt was going to hit the runway. He would laugh. He said when learning to fly his new small aircraft he had problems learning to fly it for landings , since in his B36 he was 30 feet above the runways. ( I worked with his other younger brother). ha ha, great trips, Charlie