

modeltruckshop, Apr 29, 2018
mountaincreekar likes this.
    • mountaincreekar
      1958 Chev. ?

      Age 16.
      My friend had a corner newspaper stand where he would hold out papers to
      persons coming home after work. It was at an electric stop light.
      He liked Fords. I liked the Chev's.
      We would count how many of each we saw go by.
      And how many of each purchased a newspaper.
      I would win the counting ~ 70% of the time.

      Good memories before computers in the innocent 1950's & 60's.
      I grew up at the best times the country ever had.
      How was I so lucky and blessed?

      Early 1900's to before WWII had numerous depressions
      and then jobs were hard to get.
      After WWII ift was getting more modern and unions started.
      If the unions would get higher pay and benefits
      then most of the non-union guys got some of those to.
    • Rating:
      Incredible detail
    • modeltruckshop
      Thanks guys I appreciate it.

    • patrick flory
      This is a model?
    • modeltruckshop
      Thanks Patrick. The white Katy truck is scratch built. The Model A kit bashed from a couple kits. The 58 Chevy stock but stripped. The gas station is based off an old resin kit. It’s all 1/25th scale. Glad you enjoyed it.
      Thanks Steve
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    Steve Hurt models
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    Apr 29, 2018
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