
Fred Harvey House-Frisco

Frisco Fred Harvey House where? How many ?

Fred Harvey House-Frisco
mountaincreekar, Apr 8, 2019
Karl Stevenson likes this.
    • Karl Stevenson
      Those kids have it hooked up. Beats walking. The wagon even has a brake. Wonder how far away they lived from there. They don't look too thrilled about being photographed though. The look on the boys face - seems like when the Amish kids see a camera, as the Amish children are supposedly told that cameras are the eye of the devil. Its funny how religious and wholesome the Amish are supposed to be but the kids will give photographers the finger. I found it funny as i actually saw Amish children in Lancaster, PA flipping the bird to the "English" tourist photographers. Too funny.
    • mountaincreekar
      Lancaster, PA
      There, I went to an Amish furniture store to see
      their home made items. The store was all lit up.
      They had the biggest computer type of cash register machine.

      I walked outside and saw a slick Amish
      buggy. I walked over to see it.
      There ~ 20 year old son was there. We talked.

      He said would you like to see the inside.
      I said yes.

      Looking in, I saw a fancy wood dash .

      Then looking backwards behind the plush seat
      was a big stereo with two dozen fancy dials
      andd surrounded by 1/2 doze speakers..
      He laughs. seeing my response
      He has done this before.

      He was not married, no beard.
      I said such.
      He laughs.
      He says, I am not in any hurry!
      He continues to laugh.

      He was wearing very nice cloths.
      Better than I ever had at that age.

    • Karl Stevenson
      I saw them wearing adidas tennis shoes and using phones. I guess some can get away with it when there out there amongst the "english".
    • mountaincreekar
      Some let them go wild to get it all out of their system so that if they join and commit to go on with adult Amish life they will stay with it. Ever often if they do not commit they are severed from their family & are forgotten because they will go to hell. Some old Amish do not know what love, caring and affection are. Some need the only structure they ever known from peer pressure, not to have guilt and fear of going to hell. Perhaps for some, having kids is for the church. ........... I could be wrong~~~~

      n & I took Amtrak on a weeks business trip to new Jersey. Same cost as aircraft just for me. Had a 1st class sleeper room car to ourselves. We had a stop at
      Lancaster. A old Amish couple got off of the trai
      n. The old guy walked faster down
      the platform 30' ahead of his wife who was struggling with the baggage.
      He ever looked at her. It was all about him.
    • Karl Stevenson
      Some still live in the dark ages. Think some of the youth are finding the "english" world more attractive than their lifestyle.
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