
Frisco 1501

Frisco 1501
ryanbgstl, Apr 7, 2019
mountaincreekar likes this.
    • mountaincreekar
      Very nice picture. Any idea where?
    • JDs
      Can you tell me if this picture is under any sort of copyright? I'd like to use it for a book that I'm working on. Thank you.
    • klrwhizkid
      @JDs You would have to contact the person that posted this picture directly. The best way to do that is to start a Conversation with him. If you hover over your username in the upper right and click on Conversations, then click on Start a New Conversation, you can put ryanbgstl in the Participants box and fill in the rest. He will get an email notification of your request for a conversation.
    • mountaincreekar
      Thanks Keith,

      Yes I can do that, ..... just so I will see how the topic situation came out.
      That was not my concern.

      My concern was that JD was trying to use the name frisco.org.
      and a "real" member's name to make
      money with his book
      when there was a clear legal risk about copyright.

      That was why I report such, licking the potential $$$$ situation/risk
      up the line to man


      I do not see JD as a sicere member,
      he has
      no record of messages and likes.
    • JDs
      @klrwhizkid Thank you for your help, I got a conversation going.
    • ryanbgstl
      I know this photo is from the 1950s, but otherwise it is unlabeled. I don't mind if anyone uses it.

      But I cannot provide advice about fair use or copyright. You'd have to talk to someone who is an expert in that.
      Anyone have an idea of who the gentlemen are in the pic?
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    Frisco Photos
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    Apr 7, 2019
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