
Here we see light Mikado 226 and 201 in the yard. 226 was built for Dierks Lumber & Coal co. by Baldwin in 1927 and was aquired by the ES&NA as par

Here we see light Mikado 226 and 201 in the yard.

226 was built for Dierks Lumber & Coal co. by Baldwin in 1927 and was aquired by the ES&NA as par
TeenRailroader4524, May 20, 2010
    • Brian waller
      The informations here is wrong. Locomotive #201 (in back) and Locomotive #226 (in front). Locomotive #226 was not a part of an trade, it was bought to The ES&NA RR in 1988. They (the owners) started to restoration but ran out of money and time. The 2 Truck Shay that is mention here was sold and now in New York.
      The plan for expanding the line was in plan but was put on hold dues to the death of Robert (Bob) Dortch in Nov. 2002.

      Brian Waller
      Railroads Historian
    • TeenRailroader4524
      I DIDNT say 201 was in the "trade".
      But your right that 226 wasnt in a trade.
    • patrick flory
      What do these engines look like 10 years later. Anybody putting paint on sometimes? Anyone trying to buy them or save them somehow?
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