
B1b 1.2 mach , Things that make the most noise.

The swept wing B-1-b supersonic bomber can dive & do barrel rolls like a fighter. It holds most munitions. Another thing is that it makes the most loud noise when going supersonic. Talking about most noise, the Frisco Mountain 1522 was ~ near the most noisiest..

B1b    1.2 mach , Things that make the most noise.
mountaincreekar, Apr 7, 2019
Karl Stevenson and Jesse Henry like this.
    • mountaincreekar
      Hey Jes,

      This B-1-b is noisy even when not supersonic.
      I used to go to Koch Industries in Wichita KS on
      business designing the internals for hydrocarbons' distillation towers.

      The hotel I stayed at was near to a railyard (I liked trains).
      Those horns got to me all night

      So I moved across town. At that hotel was on the glide path
      for an air force base. They would practice landings and not
      slow up immediately taking off again, making another circle.
      Holy Cow. All night long.

      I did not get over to the airfield to take a look.
      Daylight, they would go overhead, but with all their power,
      they were high quickly.

      I thought they were a large fighter jet. not realizing knowing how
      big they were
      & not realizing they were bombers.
      They are something else!!!

      When I went on frisco1522 excursions, they would unload the passengers and they
      would have a photo run-bys. Lots of smoke and noise. Every run-by would make
      me think about when I had to go to Wichita.

      I have finally seen on Forums, way down at the bottom of the page,
      the 40th topic is a category called "off Topic"

      I looked in that and some others, found posts about military aircrafts"

      I looked on Joe Lovettes' Media and he has a lot of neat space station photos.
      retired from Boeing.
      So if I post
      anymore aircrafts I guess I will scroll down

      to the 40th , "Off Topics".



      I have started using the Forums and learn something each time,
      The software is
      massive and hard to remember all the tricks, ...
      "On topic" posts also lead to a lot of "off topics" chatter,

      making it harder to get to the real stuff. So I may use Email more
      to stay
      within the giudices.

    • Karl Stevenson
      Great picture, near and dear to me as i am USAF retired. (22 years service). I see these aircraft alot as i live near Tinker AFB near Oklahoma City and that is where they do depot level maintenance on them and they test fly them after overhaul. So they are taking off and landing there and my house is fairly close to the approach pattern for one of the runways and on certain days when the wind is blowing a different direction they pass fairly close overhead. They also do B-52 depot maintenance and it seems the BUFF is actually louder than the B-1. Thanks for sharing !
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