

    • yardmaster
      Jerome, that's about the only Bristow I know of on the SL-SF but I'd have to look it up to be sure.

      Regardless, there's a lot of detail in this picture. The new metal car shed is an interesting contrast to the redbird on the point and the brick depot in the background.

      Anyone know, offhand, what train this would have been?
    • FriscoCharlie
      Is that a water tank on the right or something else?
    • slsfrr (Jerome Lutzenberger RIP 9/1/2018)
      That is a water tank and it still stands to this day. Bristow has made a welcome center out of the old depot and the water tower stands to the west (timetable direction). I know of two water tanks still standing; Beaumont, Kansas, and Bristow, Oklahoma. Are there others?
    • slsfrr (Jerome Lutzenberger RIP 9/1/2018)

      That is either the 'Will Rogers' or the 'Oklahoman', depending on the year the picture was taken.
    • kenmc
      Most likely this is the Oklahoman and not the Will Rogers. The Will Rogers carried an RPO-baggage car regularly and the Oklahoman did not. In fact, it was the loss of the active mail contracts in 1965 that precipitated the discontuance of the Will Rogers and the Meteor, consolidating both trains into the Oklahoman.

      Ken McElreath
    • yardmaster
      Ken, it's always nice to have your passenger operations insight. Thanks to you and Jerome for clarifying.

      Best Regards,
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