Friends, I mentioned in an Industry Schematics thread that I am working on a plan for a half-dozen Free-mo modules with Severy, KS as the subject. The industry schematic and discussion can be found here: Above is the plan so far. I would welcome input if anyone has thoughts about this candidate and details/history to get it right. I am still researching any possible maps, photos, etc. If you enjoy current photos of small towns in Kansas, you might check out "Wandermore's Visit627Kansas" page on facebook. here is a link for Severy: You can find photos of the Severy depot (I am not sure if I have it turned the right way) in several places, including the Kansas Historical Society: Thanks, -Bob T.
I really like what you've got going there. On the other side of the tracks opposite the lumber yard, you've got a label for a warehouse, but no building drawn. Did you mean to draw in a building there? It may seem like a "typical" choice, but I think transition era would be a great fit for a layout focused on a little town like this one.
Thanks Ethan, Yes, I don't have it quite aligned to the track diagram yet. LoL. There should be some stuff across from the depot that is missing too, along with errant labels. -Bob T.
From what I can see in aerial pictures, the other half of that block (opposite the oil dealer) was always a hay field. Could look good with some barbwire fence to section off that scene.