Since I'm in painting mode, I've started a pair of SD45s for Frisco as well. These are ex UP. I didn't know that Kato used yellow plastic as a base for the UP scheme. Pretty smart, but I need it orange and white, so I stripped them and gave it the Stylnylrez primer treatment.
Daniel, Are you going to model the L-window cabs? At least 2 SD45s have been on my todo list for a long time now (I have parts, just no time to do the work...) Athabasca Shops ( ) makes an n-scale brass EMD cab with an L-window, but you can also make some pretty simple modifications to the factory shell to get an acceptable model ( See ) Paul
My plan currently is to just model them "post modification". The L shaped window would be wonderful but it's not really a detail that jumps out to me when running around the layout. As my dad would say "there are only 6 people that know the difference and 2 of them are in this room". Haha.