Replacing Lionel F-3 (2343) rivets on various locos

Discussion in 'General' started by alliesdad, Feb 2, 2025.

  1. alliesdad

    alliesdad Member

    I am trying to refurbish several old and really beat up 2343 Lionel Santa Fe locomotives. I have powered and unpowered A's, along with the matching vent B's. My questions are this.

    On the powered A, there is a rivet that hold one side of the battery holder down. I can easily drill it out, but what is the least (and hopefully easiest) way to replace said rivet, without putting a screw in there.

    Second rivet question pertains to the B units. There are, by my count, eight very small chrome rivets that hold the inside metal frame to the underside plastic cover. It would be significantly easier to repaint if I could drill those out and replace with like rivets.

    So, where is the best place to locate the rivets for both of these and what is the minimum set of tools necessary to compress / flare the rivets, once installed?

    Actually, the same hold true for the rear ladder assembly on the 2343 A's (and maybe B's). There is a one piece metal frame that runs the width of the car with a "ladder" on both sides. I have removed the old paint, sanded it smooth and am ready to start applying the primer, but I would prefer to have this excess hardware out of the way first. Any thoughts or anybody done this? Thanks!

  2. klrwhizkid

    klrwhizkid Administrator Staff Member Administrator Supporter

    Probably the best place to find answers to the questions about rivets might be on Trainboard our "sister" general model railroad forum or on a Lionel users group forum.
  3. alliesdad

    alliesdad Member

    Signed up for Trainboard. Unfortunately, very little info on those nasty rear chassis rivets on the A units of the F-3 frames. I tried what they suggested and many of those rivets were so old, that they broke off even with the frame. I supposed I will clean up the area, put the ladders back on as straight and flat as possible, apply a thin layer of JB weld and clamp both side. If JB weld will hold the brackets for my brake lines on my fifth wheel, it should hold the ladder on, assuming it is well glued in a metal>metal application. I have already primed many of the frame assemblies, but now it looks like I will need to rethink that. Nothing about refreshing these old locos is quick! Thanks for the suggestion for the sister board. They had some good insight, but ultimately, the age of the loco was the downfall.
  4. palallin

    palallin Member

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