Railroad Scanner Listening

Discussion in 'General' started by FriscoGeorge, Dec 13, 2009.

  1. FriscoGeorge

    FriscoGeorge Frisco Employee

    Hi Guys,
    If you all are like me then you like to listen to the train dispatcher give the orders to their engineers over the railroad dispatcher channel. Well here are a few frequencies for the Cuba to Dixon (Rosati dispatch) area. These are not complete by any means, and if you have more to add then please do so. All you have to have in order to hear this traffic is a regular "police scanner" capable of tuning in the 160 to 161 MHZ frequency range. These are readily available from Radio Shack, or off eBay. You can get a new one for about $99, or get a used one for about $50. If you live in a fringe area you might also need an outside antenna, but you can do fine on the antenna that came with the scanner if you live in the city, or high on a hill. You will have to use MS Word to open the doc file.
    Have a Merry Christmas Everyone!

    I've added it in pdf format. (klrwhizkid)

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 13, 2009
  2. TAG1014 (Tom Galbraith RIP 7/15/2020)

    TAG1014 (Tom Galbraith RIP 7/15/2020) Passed Away July 15, 2020 Frisco.org Supporter

    I could add KCS's 160.260. I've heard their dispatcher on this channel lots of times at Springfield.


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