New Member

Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by vthon, Jul 10, 2009.

  1. vthon

    vthon vthon

    Hi, I just wanted to introduce myself. My father spent his career at Frisco and retired around 1984. He unfortunately died a year later. Maybe he just missed the railroad too much. He worked in the Springfield, MO, office. And while he worked in the office, my bother and I spent a lot of time at the yards and around trains. And of course, the first song I ever learned was "I've Been Working on the Railroad".

    Our house was filled with Frisco memorabilia and as I sit here at my computer, there is Frisco stuff all around me. I have my dad's rail passes, a framed children’s menu off a diner car, a wooden Frisco plank hanging up and the beautiful gold watch with the Frisco insignia on the face and an etch of a steam engine on the back that my dad received when he retired. Remember the flat, square glass ashtrays with the Frisco insignia they gave out back in the day? We have a bunch of those. I live in a tiny condo in California and have a few Frisco model trains. I have a couple of Z model cars I have perched on top of my monitor. That is about the right size for my tiny place and I'd like to find a way to display a small set-up. Any ideas for a set-up and the best place to buy them?

    My brother and mom have the other stuff, like a hunk of rail. Kind of hard to get that out here to Californi.

    Oh, here is a trivia question. I know boxcars come in different sizes, but I think we used 50' as the average length. Therefore, every time a train would go by we would count the cars and figure that if it was 100 cars, it was about a mile long. I find that amazing, that engines could pull/push a mile of loaded cars. Does my memory serve me correctly?

  2. bob_wintle

    bob_wintle Member Supporter

    Welcome to the group. You will enjoy being a member. Your memory is correct; trains can be and still to this day are tha long or longer.
    Bob Wintle
  3. Iantha_Branch

    Iantha_Branch Member

    Welcome to the forums! You were talking about a "small setup" next to your computer. I guess you mean a model railroad. If you make one first you have to make sure it will fit in a small area. It sounds like it's small so I would recommend N or Z scale. But be careful with choosing a small scale if you have big hands and fingers. Because it can be a pain in the rear if you have to change out wheels and couplers. Good luck!

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