Need An Assist Please

Discussion in 'General' started by Coonskin, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. Coonskin

    Coonskin Member

    The time is arriving for me to start making V scale models (computer models) of such things as Frisco depots, watertanks, handcar sheds, etc. My target era is 1904-1909. However, given the obscurity of that era, I can't be too picky, huh?

    The first segment of my V scale version of the Frisco that I intend to scenic is from Jenson, AR (OK?) to Mansfield, AR. This will take in the following towns that (I think) had depots:


    Do any of you have any idea as to what type of depot was used at:


    (Hacket may be identified... I think. Sort of.)

    Also, do any of you have "standard" plans or whatever for the above depot types? Plans would be a huge help to get the dimensions.

    Lastly for the depots: Anyone know the standard color for my target era? Most depots that show in pics from this era appear to be a dark color. Being they're b&w photos, no real way of telling. Could be dark green, dark red, dark oxide red, horse turd brown... ????

    Also, were there standard plans for watertanks? If so, do any of you have any plans of tanks that were in use during my target era? Same question regarding colors. I know Joe Collias mentions black... but during my era?

    ANY help, input, even cajoleing, very much appreciated (except perhaps the cajoleing?) :D


    Andre Ming
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2011
  2. yardmaster

    yardmaster Administrator Staff Member Administrator Supporter

    Andre -
    Karl Brand posted quite a few 1906 Standard Depot plans a while back. They can all be found in the following: Forum -->> Historical-->> Depots & Stations -->> General

    Or, if you used the "Advanced Search" function with Keyword: "Standard Depot" and User Name: "Karl" you should come across all of the ones he uploaded.

    I'm wanting to think that Frisco Power includes some older B/W photos of some Frisco depots in a scheme that is decidedly not gray with white trim; it may even mention the approximate color, but I don't recall offhand.

    Best Regards,
  3. Coonskin

    Coonskin Member

    THANK YOU for pointing me to that thread! Thanks to Karl of posting the original thread!

    That batch of plans is now saved to my Depot Plans folder!

    Plans for the Hackett depot are now in the bag. I think the original Hackett was replaced in the 1900's with the one as in the plan thread.

    Still need to figure out what types of depots were at Burma, Huntington, and Mansfield. I think the Mansfield Branch was built in 1887 or so... this would likely mean these depots were not a "1906 Standard Depot".

    EDIT: Forgot to beg, plea, whine, throw a tantrum, whatever... and find out if ANYBODY knows what depot colors were being used by the Frisco in the 1900's?

    Andre Ming
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2011
  4. yardmaster

    yardmaster Administrator Staff Member Administrator Supporter

    Andre -
    I found another possible lead on depot colors in this message:

    Note the references to "gray with dark green" trim. However, this isn't much of a lead.

    I think it would ultimately some sort of B&B documents or paint guides from this era. There may be something on the site yet that, with more thorough searching, will turn something up.

    Best Regards,

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