Tracy Junction to Ash Grove, MO Stations and Mileposts Tracy Junction to Ash Grove, MO.- M.P.- Station------ Blt.- Aban- P.C.-- County- 135.5 Tracy Jct.--- 1885 1935 KCC&S St.Clair ???.? Rose--------- 1885 1935 KCC&S St.Clair 142.1 Collins------- 1885 1935 KCC&S St.Clair 149.3 Humansville-- 1885 1935 KCC&S Polk 154.3 Dunnegan---- 1885 1935 KCC&S Polk 160.5 Fair Play----- 1885 1935 KCC&S Polk 166.6 Aldrich------- 1885 1935 KCC&S Polk 171.4 Shanon------ 1885 1935 KCC&S Polk 171.4 Eudora------ 1885 1935 KCC&S Polk 176.8 Walnut Grove 1885 1935 KCC&S Greene 180.5 Phenix------- 1885 1943 KCC&S Greene 185.0 Ash Grove--- 1885 1943 KCC&S Greene Predecessor Company- 1) KCC&S-Kansas City, Clinton & Springfield RY Notes- 1) Tracy Junction was created in 1904 when Frisco gained trackage rights from Harlan Junction to a new connection with Clinton Sub, Eastern Division. Involved about 5-miles abandoned (Harlan Jct. to new tie-in point) and 2-miles of new construction (Tracy Jct to new tie-in point). Allowed Frisco to serve the town of Vista, MO. 2) Connected with Ash Grove Sub, Northern Division at Ash Grove.
Lowry City Jct. to Lowry City, MO note Note: For the one below the abandonment for Lowry City Jct. to Lowry City, MO. should be 1978, not 1979. The rails were removed in 1979.
Deepwater Junction to Lowry City Junction, MO Stations and Mileposts Deepwater Junction to Lowry City Junction, MO.- M.P.- Station--------- Blt.- Aban. P.C.-- County- 113.2 Deepwater Jct.- 1885 1978 KCC&S Henry 113.2 DeJun---------- 1885 1978 KCC&S Henry 118.7 Chloe---------- 1885 1978 KCC&S St.Clair 120.1 Lowry City Jct.- 1885 1978 KCC&S St.Clair Notes- 1) Connects with Deepwater Cut-off at Deepwater Junction. 2) Connects with Clinton Sub, Eatern Division at Lowry City Jct. 3) Line abandoned 10/14/78. 4) Rails removed Lowry City Jct. to Chloe, MO. 12/20/79. 5) Rails removed Chloe to Deepwater Jct., MO. 12/21-23/79.
South Clinton to Deepwater Junction, MO Stations and Mileposts South Clinton to Deepwater Junction, MO.- M.P.- Station------- Blt.- Aban. P.C.-- County- 098.8 So.Clinton---- 1885 1929 KCC&S Henry 104.2 Roles--------- 1885 1929 KCC&S Henry ???.? Sprig---------- 1885 1929 KCC&S Henry 112.8 Deepwater----- 1885 1978 KCC&S Henry 113.2 DeJun--------- 1885 1978 KCC&S Henry 113.2 Deepwater Jct. 1885 1978 KCC&S Henry Notes- 1) Interchanges with Missouri-Kansas-Texas RR at South Clinton. 2) Trackage rights over Missouri-Kansas-Texas RR from South Clinton to North Clinton, MO. 1929-35. 3) Connects with Deepwater Cut-off at Deepwater (DeJun) Junction, MO. 4) Rails removed South Clinton to Deepwater 1930. 5) Rails removed Deepwater to Deepwater (DeJun) Junction 12/79.
Harrisonville to South Clinton, MO Stations and Mileposts Harrisonville to South Clinton, MO.- M.P. Station------ Blt.-- Aban. P.C.-- County- 55.8 Harrisonville-- 1885 1989 KCC&S Cass 62.9 Eight-Mile---- 1885 1935 KCC&S Cass 62.9 Daugherty---- 1885 1935 KCC&S Cass 68.8 Garden City-- 1885 1935 KCC&S Cass 77.0 Creighton---- 1885 1935 KCC&S Cass 81.8 Urich-------- 1885 1935 KCC&S Henry 85.9 Hartwell----- 1885 1935 KCC&S Henry 87.8 Mallard------ 1885 1935 KCC&S Henry 90.4 Winchell----- 1885 1935 KCC&S Henry 98.8 So.Clinton--- 1885 1935 KCC&S Henry Predecessor Company- 1) KCC&S-Kansas City, Clinton & Springfield RY Notes- 1) Connects with Clinton Sub, Eastern Division at Harrisonville. 2) Interchanges with Missouri Pacific and Missouri-Kansas- Texas RR at Harrisonville. 3) Last train 5/29/1935. 4) Rails removed Harisonville to South Clinton 1936. 3) Remaining KCC&S tracks removed in Harrisionville in Nov.1990.
Raymore Junction to Harrisonville, MO Stations and Mileposts Raymore Junction to Harrisonville, MO.- M.P. Station------- Blt.-- Aban. P.C.- County- 45.4 Raymore Jct.-- 1885 1935 KCC&S Cass 47.4 Coleman------ 1885 1935 KCC&S Cass 51.2 Kimpton------- 1885 1935 KCC&S Cass 55.8 Harrisonville--- 1885 1990 KCC&S Cass Predecessor Company- 1) KCC&S-Kansas City, Clinton & Springfield RY Notes- 1) Connects with Pleasant Hill Branch at Raymore Junction. 2) Connects with Clinton Sub Eastern Division at Harrisonville. 3) Interchanges with Missouri Pacific and Missouri-Kansas-Texas RR at Harrisonville. 4) Last train 5/29/35. 5) Rails removed 1936, except for Harrisonville trackage which was removed in Nov.1990.
Raymore Junction to Pleasant Hill, MO Stations and Mileposts Raymore Junction to Pleasant Hill, MO.- M.P. Station------ Blt.- Aban. P.C.-- County- 0.0 Raymore Jct.- 1870 1902 SLL&D2 Cass 7.8 Pleasant Hill-- 1870 1902 SLL&D2 Cass Predecessor Company- 1) St.Louis, Lawrence & Denver RR (2) Notes- 1) Connects with Belton-Harrisonville line at Raymore Jct. 2) Interchanges with Missouri Pacific RR at Pleasant Hill. 3) Trackage rights Missouri Pacific RR on KCC&S 4037' from Pleasant Hill depot to connection with MP line to Nevada, MO. just south of Rock Island crossing. Leased to MP after KCC&S abandonment, sold to MP 1/5/1927. In service as Missouri & North Arkansas RR.
Belton to Raymore Jct., MO Stations and Mileposts Belton to Raymore Jct., MO.- M.P. Station----- Blt.- Aban. P.C.-- County- 37.6 Belton------ 1870 1935 SLL&D2 Cass 42.4 Raymore---- 1870 1935 SLL&D2 Cass 45.4 Raymore Jct. 1870 1935 SLL&D2 Cass Predecessor Company- 1) SLL&D2-St.Louis, Lawrence & Denver RR (2) Notes- 1) Connects with Pleasant Hill Branch at Raymore Junction. 2) Connects with Clinton Sub, Eastern Division at Belton. 3) Last train 5/29/35. 4) Rails removed 1936.
Olathe, KS. to Belton, MO Stations and Mileposts Olathe, KS. to Belton, MO.- M.P. Station------ Blt.- Aban.- P.C.-- County- 19.7 Olathe------- 1871 ----- SLL&D Johnson 25.4 Morse-------- 1871 1934 SLL&D Johnson 28.6 Stanley------ 1871 1934 SLL&D Johnson 31.7 Kenneth, KS.- 1871 1928 SLL&D Johnson 35.? W.Belton, MO. 1870 1928 SLL&D Cass 37.6 Belton ------- 1870 1928 SLL&D Cass Predecessor Company- 1) SLL&D-St.Louis, Lawrence & Denver RR (2) Notes- 1) Connects with Kansas City Sub, Northern Division at Olathe. 2) Connects with Lawrence Branch at Olathe. 3) Interchanges with Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe RY at Olathe. 4) Interchanges with Missouri Pacific RR at Kenneth. 5) Interchanges with Kansas City Southern at West Belton. 6) Connects with Clinton Sub, Eastern Division at Belton. 7) Track between Frisco and Santa Fe left in service after abandonment as a transfer track. Rebuilt to mainline status in 1999.
Harlan Junction to near Tracy Junction, MO Stations and Mileposts Harlan Junction to near Tracy Junction, MO.- M.P.- Station---- Blt. Aban. P.C.-- County- 118.8 Harlan Jct. 1898 1904 KCO&S St.Clair ???.? No Name-- 1898 1904 KCO&S St.Clair Predecessor Company- 1) KCO&S-Kansas City, Osceola & Southern RY Notes- 1) In 1904, connections were built between Frisco and subsidiary Kansas City, Clinton & Springfield RY at Harlan Junction and Tracy Junction allowing Frisco to abandon its own tracks which bypassed the town of Vista. The new connection was about 2-miles east of Tracy Junction.
Lowry City Junction to Harlan Junction, MO Stations and Mileposts Lowry City Junction to Harlan Junction, MO.- M.P.- Station-------- Blt.- Aban. P.C.- County- 106.5 Lowry City Jct. 1884 1926 KC&S- St.Clair 107.8 Lowry City---- 1884 1926 KC&S- St.Clair 115.0 Nsceola---- 1885 1978 KC&S- St.Clair 115.8 Osceola------- 1898 1979 KCO&S St.Clair 118.8 Harlan Jct.---- 1898 1979 KCO&S St.Clair Predecessor Companies- 1) KC&S-Kansas City & Southern RY 2) KCO&S-Kansas City, Osceola & Southern RY. Notes- 1) Connects with Kansas City, Clinton & Springfield RY at Lowry City Junction. 2) Connects with Kansas City, Clinton & Springfield RY at Harlan Junction. 3) Ran side by side from South Lowry City to North Osceola. 4) Rails removed Lowry City Junction to South Lowry City 1927. 4) Last passenger train 5/27/54. 5) Last freight train 10/14/78 with SLSF engine #521, 15 cars & caboose #1417.
[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica][font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Kansas City, Clinton & Springfield RY [/font][/font]
Re: Lowry City Junction to Harlan Junction, MO Stations and Mileposts Roger: Do you happen to have any depot pics of KCC&S? Larry Murphy