Just Joined

Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by Dan Winberry, Jun 8, 2009.

  1. Dan Winberry

    Dan Winberry Member


    I am still trying to figure how to use this forum, but am excited with the possibilities I will have with your group. I recently retired from the Postal Service, and moved back to my old hometown of Piggott AR. I have been trying to reacquaint myself with the railroads that used to run through this area but are now gone. I am interested in information about the Butler County Railroad, and the St Louis, Kennett and Southeastern Railroad. Also, I am trying to learn more about a motorcar, called the "Bull Moose" which my mother has told be about that she road as a kid. I am looking forward to reading the information available on this forum.

    Dan Winberry, "Redbird Dan"
  2. Sirfoldalot

    Sirfoldalot Frisco.org Supporter Frisco.org Supporter

    Welcome Aboard, DAN.
    I'm a South Arkansas misplace. I grew up in Waterloo (south terminal of the Reader RailRoad). Worked out of KC and StLouis a good portion of my career. Loved the SLSF ever since. Hope you enjoy the forum.

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